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Photography is one of the key opportunities to convey our personality. It is genuine, unexpected and sensitive. It evokes emotion and tells a strong narrative. Creating a memorable image requires careful planning, execution and selection. Our photography style reflects and reinforces the focus on our children. Choose compositions that are simple, compelling and authentic. In most cases the child is the hero – the primary focal point. This approach will resonate with our audience.


  • Use color photography. Include one of our primary colors in the photograph, when possible. When planning a photoshoot, consider the following: Can a child be wearing a solid color shirt, or can a background wall or object be in one of our primary colors? Can we include a hint of an ID badge or a doctor in her coat with the logo mark on it?
  • Prominently feature children. Use a child or a child with a caregiver. Choose a simple composition.
  • Capture kids being kids; smiling, laughing, being active.
  • Depict ethnic diversity to reflect our community.
  • Use our children as models whenever possible.
  • Make photos situational and authentic, portraying happy patient outcomes and the joy of childhood whenever possible.
  • Use natural lighting.
  • Use asymmetrical cropping, shallow depth of field, varied camera angles and saturated color to add visual interest.
  • Photograph head shots with a simple background and shallow depth of field. The background must go fuzzy with the person being the main focus and sharp.
  • Show subjects following all proper safety and regulatory procedures.


  • Don’t use black and white photography (only exception: limited printing capabilities).
  • Use photos that are harshly lit or use color gels.
  • Show stiff group shots of people.
  • Use stock photos to represent hospital staff and employees.
  • Show kids in pain or upset unless there is an editorial reason for doing so.