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simulation mission and vision

Simulation at Dayton Children’s provides a safe learning environment for all staff at Dayton Children’s to focus on knowledge, skills, teamwork, communication, problem solving, and demonstration of performance. Simulation at Dayton Children’s may be comprised of skills training, critical thinking exercises, high fidelity simulation scenarios, teamwork and communication training, and in-unit mock codes.

mission: To utilize simulation-based training to promote patient safety and exceptional care for every child within our reach.

vision: To operate a multidisciplinary simulation education program to enhance the quality of care provided to pediatric patients throughout our region and beyond.

Dayton Children’s Hospital simulation and education center values

  • Safety – We will use simulation to improve the safety of our patients through finding, and acting upon latent safety threats, increasing education, and providing more in-depth training for high-risk low-volume procedures. 
  • Compassion – Simulation will provide an environment to focus on compassionate, family-centered care prior to being placed in a real time difficult situation. 
  • Ownership – We will use simulation to ensure that we are the pediatric care experts. Simulation will provide a safe place for training on the most up to date standards of care. 
  • Collaboration – Simulation provides an environment to improve on collaboration through team members ensuring the best care for the children and families of Dayton Children’s. 
  • Innovation – Simulation will work simultaneously with Dayton Children’s in providing a better today and future for the hospital, through extended research abilities, and increased capabilities for training of staff. 

two new primary care practices join Dayton Children's

Dayton Children’s acquires two pediatric offices to expand primary care access and enhance children’s health in the region.

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