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graduate nurse clinicals/practicum

Dayton Children’s Hospital offers many types of practicum experiences including pediatric nurse practitioners, masters in nursing (administration/education), clinical nurse specialist, and doctorate of nurse practice, to graduate nursing students. If you are interested please complete the application. Placement is based on the availability of preceptors and the number of requests for each semester. If you are also completing any type of project for school (DNP, BSN, etc), please complete the application as well. We need to coordinate any and all experiences. If you have any further questions, please email Beth Lee at

deadlines to apply for clinical experiences:

Spring (January-May):  October 31

  • Notifications of placement will be sent out by the end of November

Summer (May-August):  February 28

  • Notifications of placement will be sent out by mid-April

Fall (August-December): May 31

  • Notifications of placement will be sent out mid-July

Jena Pado appointed to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Board of Governors

Jena Pado, Vice President and Chief Development Officer, has been appointed to the Board of Governors for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

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