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visiting children in the hospital


visitor update (updated January 3, 2025)

  • Children younger than 14 years old are not permitted to visit inpatient units.
  • All visitors should be healthy. Do not visit if you feel sick or have symptoms of a cold, flu or another illness.
  • Cover your cough. Please request a mask if you are coughing frequently. Otherwise, when you sneeze or cough, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash, or cough or sneeze into your sleeve.
  • Wash your hands frequently.

We understand the value of visiting loved ones at Dayton Children’s. Visitations help patients feel at peace, stay connected to those they care about and help them heal. Here are some ways you can be prepared for your visit and make a child’s stay at Dayton Children’s even better.

Inpatient stays:

  • Up to ten people can be identified for visitation during the duration of the patient’s stay. Only four visitors may be in a patient's room at one time. Certain units such as the intensive care unit or the behavioral health unit may have differing policies based on the care they provide. 
  • Parents/legal guardians or support persons for NICU patients are not permitted on unit if COVID-19 positive. Contact the NICU with questions.
  • Positive COVID patient:

    • If patient is positive for COVID-19 only parent/legal guardians will be permitted to visit. Exceptions will be made based on clinical situation.
    • Parents/legal guardians or support person visiting a positive COVID patient will need to wear a mask when they leave the room. 

masking policy:

Masks are optional in public spaces. 

  • You are welcome to continue wearing a mask, if you prefer.
  • If you have symptoms of a respiratory illness or are recovering from COVID-19, we ask that you continue to wear a mask in public spaces.
  • As always, masks are required in isolation rooms, operating rooms and procedural areas.
  • If you would prefer that your care team wear a mask, please let us know and we will do so.

hours for family and friends to visit

Dayton Children’s hospital visitation hours for those other than parents and grandparents are 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

The hospital's main entrance doors are locked from 8:00 pm to 5:00 am daily. Parents and grandparents visiting outside of these hours will need to enter the hospital through the emergency department doors. 

Parents and/or legal guardians of hospitalized patients are encouraged to stay with their child during their stay.

visitor badges for inpatient visits


Safety is always our top priority. As part of our efforts to keep our patients safe, Dayton Children’s is using a visitor ID badge process for anyone visiting our inpatient areas. All visitors, parents, guardians and siblings need to wear a badge at all times when visiting Dayton Children’s. When you arrive, go to the welcome center at our main entrance. A member of our team will help you get a badge. A drivers license is required to receive a visitor badge. 

  • Parents and guardians will receive a reusable badge for the length of their child's stay. 
  • Adult visitors will receive a one-time-use badge and will need to get a new badge each day that they visit. 
  • Child visitors are required to have a parent or guardian with them to receive their one-time-use badge. This badge will feature their parent's picture and name in order to protect the privacy of our young visitors. 

shhh, they need to rest

Please respect our quiet hours from 8:00 pm - 8:00 am daily. During these times, we lower the lights, close doors to patient rooms, and ask everyone to lower their voices.

Give patients, families, and the health care team privacy when it’s needed or requested. We offer a number of areas for you to pass the time while you wait.

special care units

The PICU, NICU and behavioral health inpatient unit have limited visiting privileges. Check with special care units for visiting information.

what about children in isolation?

The best way to prevent infection is by washing your hands. To protect your child and others, your child may be put into isolation. If your child is in isolation, a sign will be placed outside of your child’s room to let others know what steps they should take to protect themselves before entering your child’s room. Please ask the nursing staff for available toys, books and other activities to keep your child occupied during their stay; children in isolation are not permitted to use the Activity Center.

visitor dress code

As a children’s hospital our top concern is the safety of our patients and their families. Therefore just as we enforce a certain dress code with our employees we also enforce a dress code with our visitors in order to avoid offensive situations that could potentially lead to unsafe situations. Visitors (including patient families, donors, volunteers etc.) must wear attire that is consistent with our dress code including: no logo t-shirts or other clothing with inappropriate or derogatory slogans or marks, short skirts, sagging pants, etc. Our security officers also hold discretion to discuss attire with a visitor if they deem it to be inappropriate for Dayton Children’s environment.

a safe and healthy environment

Our guidelines for visitors help ensure the health and safety of our patients, visitors, and staff. In an effort to stop the spread of illnesses like seasonal flu, visiting hours are occasionally limited to parents and guardians only. You will be notified if this happens on our website homepage.

scrub up... hand hygiene tips

Safety is the number one concern for all of our patients. Hand washing is the most important way to stop the spread of infection. Please follow these guidelines when visiting Dayton Children's:

  • Before you enter your child’s room, you should use alcohol-based cleaner, such as hand sanitizer, or soap and water to wash your hands, scrubbing them for 15 seconds, rinsing and drying them.
  • Wash your hands after using the restroom or changing a diaper.
  • Cough into a tissue or your shirt sleeve. Do not cover your mouth with your bare hands.

no weapons allowed

All weapons, including firearms and concealed firearms, are prohibited on all Dayton Children's Hospital property, including main and south campus and satellite locations. 

If you arrive at Dayton Children's main campus in possession of a weapon, you can: 

  • Lock the weapon in the manner required by law in your motor vehicle. 

If you do not have a motor vehicle available, or if you cannot properly secure the weapon in a motor vehicle: 

  • Call public safety at 937-641-3636 from outside the hospital. Public safety will make arrangements to properly store the weapon. The weapon will be returned to you when you leave the hospital's property. Weapon storage is not available at any of our satellite locations.

no smoking allowed

For health and safety reasons, Dayton Children’s locations are entirely smoke-free. No one may smoke or use electronic cigarettes anywhere inside the building or outside Dayton Children’s property.

contact us

Have a question about Dayton Children’s? Call our main line at 937-641-3000 or visit our contact us page for more information.