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summer volunteen application

Dayton Children’s provides an opportunity for teens to experience the satisfaction of volunteering and sharing their time with others during the summer months. Our volunteen program is designed to help teens learn valuable skills that will service them for a lifetime. 

Before completing this application please note the following:
  • Applications are accepted the first week of February only.
  • Teens must be 16 years old by June 1 of the year they are applying.
  • The teen applicant is required to complete the application.
  • A parent/guardian signature will be required during the onboarding process.
  • Teens accepted into the volunteen program must be able to attend the mandatory scheduled orientation session in May.
  • Teens may begin volunteering after their last day of school.
  • Teens must volunteer a minimum of three to four hours a week for nine weeks during the summer.

Please fill in this form as completely as possible. Items marked with a * are required.

contact FAQs

The volunteer resources department is open M-F from 7:30 am – 4:30 pm. They can be reached by phone at 937-641-3333 or by email.

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Do you have additional questions about becoming a volunteer at Dayton Children’s? Check out our frequently asked questions to see if we’ve answered it there!

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