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general pediatrics

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4.79 out of 5

comprehensive primary care for kids of all ages

Dayton Children's Pediatrics is a primary care practice. Our physicians care for about 12,000 patients, from newborns to 18-year-olds, providing comprehensive well-child services, treatment for illnesses and medical conditions, and referrals for specialty care. Our team also provides developmental and mental health screening, lead and anemia screening, and vaccinations. 

Our unique team works together to provide optimal comprehensive medical care in on office. The care team consists of:

  • Registration and scheduling staff
  • Patient care assistants
  • Medical assistants
  • Nurses
  • Physicians
  • Social workers
  • Behavioral health specialists
  • Care coordinators
  • Dietitians and lactation specialists
  • Community health workers

In addition to helping children be as healthy as possible, Dayton Children's Pediatrics has a strong commitment to educating future pediatricians. Our staff includes board-certified pediatricians, as well as physicians who are in the pediatric medicine resident training program at Wright State University’s Boonshoft School of Medicine.

general pediatrics

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4.79 out of 5

contact us hours

Call our office at 937-641-3500 between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm to make an appointment.

Same day appointments are available for established patients who are sick or have an urgent health concern.

Dayton Children's Pediatrics is open:

Monday-8:00 am-8:00 pm
Tuesday-Thursday 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am-4:30 pm

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Shilpa Sangvai, MD, MPH, Division Chief

general pediatrics
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Laura Sullivan, MD

general pediatrics
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Jennifer Hilgeman, MD, IBCLC, FAAP

general pediatrics
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Abigail Fischer

general pediatrics
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Stephanie Lake, DO

general pediatrics
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Jasa Talarico, MD

general pediatrics
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Erica Bautista, DO

general pediatrics
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Kelsey Kapolka, MD

general pediatrics
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Nora Vish, MD

foster care
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conditions and symptoms we treat


Influenza, commonly known as "the flu," is a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract. It affects all age groups, though kids tend to get it more often than adults.

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ear infections

After the common cold, ear infections are the most frequently diagnosed childhood illness in the United States.

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common cold

With kids getting as many as eight colds per year or more, this contagious viral infection of the upper respiratory tract is the most common infectious disease in the United States and the No. 1 reason kids visit the doctor and stay home from school.

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lead poisoning

The Lead Poisoning Clinic at Children’s Health Clinic provides comprehensive testing and treatment for children who have high levels of lead in their blood.

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sports physicals

The sports physical exam helps determine whether it's safe for kids to participate in a particular sport.

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well child visits

Well child visits are important to ensure your child is on track both developmentally and with their overall health. We look forward to seeing your child for these visits.

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why choose us

Learn what makes the Children’s Health Clinic a special place.

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additional resources

Get access to pediatric specific educational articles and resources.

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family support resource directory

Find resources, support groups, and camps near you for kids with a variety of conditions.

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our policies

Please review our office policies below to help us provide you with the best experience possible when you visit the Children’s Health Clinic.

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what to expect

Learn more about what you need to know before visiting the Children’s Health Clinic for your appointment.

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what to do about that awful cough!

Does it sound like this at your house? It has sounded like this at my house for the past few weeks. Ethan has been coughing off and on, mostly at night, for about the past 3 weeks.

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