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pediatric emergency medicine fellowship research

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The pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) fellow will benefit from a focused research seminar series, certified courses in epidemiology and biostatistics at Wright State University, dedicated research funds, statistician support and mentorship to be successful in their research endeavors. Dayton Children's hosts an annual Fellowship Research Day that highlights and showcases research projects from the program.

We welcome candidates with all research backgrounds including residents with no prior research experience. 

Fellowsihip research

general outline of PEM fellow research at Dayton Children’s

first year of fellowship (pediatric track)

  1. Research curriculum- The research curriculum will include a lecture series on the principles of research including, but not limited to background, specific aims, goals, methods, analysis, IRB proposal. The PEM fellow will enroll in certificate courses at Wright State University that focus on biostatistics and epidemiology.
  2. Identify the question and create a research plan.
  3. Creation of a specific scholarship oversight committee, including a research mentor. 
  4. Identify and apply to funding sources.
  5. Get IRB approval/begin research.
  6. Presentation of research plan within PEM division and at the national fellows conference. 

second year of fellowship (pediatric track)

  1. Completion of data collection
  2. Data analysis
  3. Manuscript writing

third year of fellowship (pediatric track) 

  1. Presentation to research committee and scholarship oversight committee 
  2. Obtain approval from oversight committee(s)
  3. Manuscript writing and submission
  4. Presentation in regional and national scientific meetings

Fellowsihip research


CT Scans in Pediatric Trauma. Trauma Reports July 2023. Padmanabhan P, Elliot J

Scarlet Fever and Invasive Streptococcal Disease. June 2024. Padmanabhan P, Elliot J.

Sociodemographic profile and clinical presentation of young children unintentionally exposed to marijuana: A single site retrospective cohort. Elliott J, Fonseca LD, Dereci L, Ochoa P, Taylor M, Kumar G.Am J Addict. Published online May 14, 2024. doi:10.1111/ajad.13617

Phamduy TT, Young DM, Ramolia PB. Localized Scarlatiniform Rash of the Ears and Antecubital Fossa in COVID-19. J Am Board Fam Med. 2021 Feb;34(Suppl):S183-S185.

Phamduy TT, Smith S, Herbst KW, Phamduy PT, Brimacombe M, Hogan AH, Salazar JC, Sturm J. Kawasaki Disease Hospitalizations in the United States 2016-2020: A Comparison of Before and During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Era. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2021 Nov 1;40(11):e407-e412.

Schissler K, Stewart S, Phamduy T, Brimacombe M, Waynik I, Hoppa E. High-Risk Markers and Infection Rates in Febrile Infants Aged 29 to 60 Days Presenting to an Emergency Department During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2023;39(11):895-899. doi:10.1097/PEC.0000000000002968

Ramgopal S, Badaki K, Eltorki M, Chaudhari P, Phamduy TT, Shapiro D, Rees CA, Bergmannh KR, Neuman MI, Michelson KA. Trends in Respiratory Viral Testing in Children in U.S. Emergency Departments. Annals of Emergency Medicine. (Pending)


research in progress

Value of Intravenous Fluids in the Emergent Treatment of Pediatric Migraine. Jonathan Elliot, Shobhan Vacchrajani, Pradeep Padmanabhan

Determining the completion rate of outpatient renal and bladder ultrasound in young children following diagnosis of assumed first febrile urinary tract infection in the pediatric emergency department.  Erica Potts, Shernaz Wadia 


awards and honors

Robert Copley Cohn Memorial Research Grant, 2024. Phamduy T, Raymer M, Banerjee T,Vacchrajani S. $40,000

Doctor Ayman El-Sheikh Scholars Program, 2024. Phamduy T. $10,000

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