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medical records uses and cost

what will my copies cost?

There is no charge for patients and parents to receive copies of their medical records. Please see below for costs for third partis requesting copies.

medical records for personal use

There is no cost for patients and families requesting medical records. 

We suggest requesting a copy of specific dates of service rather than the entire medical record.

If you are requesting records from an inpatient hospitalization, an “abstract” of the record gives you all the essential elements without having all the daily assessments.

A typical “abstract” of an inpatient record includes:

  • Discharge Summary – This summary includes information about a child’s inpatient stay including their care, treatment, services provided and progress towards goals.
  • History and Physical – Information about the child’s current illness and any relevant history.
  • Consultation Reports – A physicians findings and recommendations after examining a patient.
  • Operative Report(s), if applicable – Important information from the surgeon detailing their findings, technical procedures, specimens removed and post-operative diagnosis.
  • Diagnostic Tests

medical records for physician office use

You may request copies of medical records be sent to a physician’s office for an appointment. Sending these records directly to the physician’s office is free of charge.

If you have an appointment with a specific date in which you need your copies, please mark this on your authorization form.

Copies will be faxed or mailed directly to the physician office. Please provide us with the physician name, full address, phone and fax number.

To request copies for your physician office please follow our medical records process.

medical records for third party use

A third party such as an insurance company or attorney's office can request copies of medical records. Please review our process of how to obtain medical records.

Charges for third party requests for medical records copies

  • Retrieval Fee: $18.93
  • Pages 1-10: $1.24/page
  • Pages 11-50: $0.64/page
  • Pages 51 and higher: $0.26/page
  • Electronic medical record on CD: $6.50/flat rate
  • Itemized billing statement: $20.00/each

Prepayment is required on all requests that have an amount due greater than $5.00. You will receive an invoice in the mail before any copies are processed. Records will not be sent until payment is received. If payment is not received within 30 days, your request will be cancelled. Please allow 7-10 business days after payment processing for copies to be prepared.

contact us

If you have questions or would like help please contact our health information management department by phone or email. 937-641-3395

email us

Dayton Children’s expands, consolidates mental health services with opening of Mental Health Outpatient Care Center in Springboro

Dayton Children’s opens a Mental Health Outpatient Care Center in Springboro, uniting services to better support families.

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