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flu immunization rate for staff

At Dayton Children’s, we believe that we have a responsibility to protect our patients by assuring that our employees who provide care or work in our facility remain healthy. During the winter months from about mid-October through March, the risk of influenza increases for everyone. Children often come down with the flu by virtue of being in school and in close contact with one another. This illness is highly contagious through the spread of droplets, as would occur with sneezes, coughing and working in close proximity to our patients, visitors and other employees and volunteers.

To reduce the risk of exposure to our patients and keep our staff healthy during flu season when we see more children, we require our employees and volunteers to receive the flu vaccine each year. Our goal is 100 percent, but some employees may not be able to receive the vaccination due to allergies, a bad reaction or religious beliefs.

Our current immunization rate for flu with employees at Dayton Children’s is 99.5 percent.

other measures we take to keep patients safe

  • Through many of our clinics, actively encourage patients to have the flu vaccine during the winter months.
  • Require the schools who bring student nurses and other clinical students to Dayton Children’s to provide us with a list of those students who have received their immunization against the flu during the peak winter season.
  • Requires our employees to have numerous other vaccines and immunizations in order to further protect our patients at all times.
  • Offer volunteers the opportunity to receive the flu vaccine at no charge while volunteering at Dayton Children’s.
putting safety first patient satisfaction

Safety is our first value for a reason. The safety of our patients always has to come before anything else.

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