5/20/22 blog post
what you need to know about newly banned baby sleep products
safe sleep for babies act bans sale of inclined sleepers and bumper pads

On May 16, 2022, President Biden signed the Safe Sleep for Babies Act into law. The law prohibits the sale of inclined sleepers and bumper pads in the United States. This law, along with the new Federal Safety Standard from the Consumer Product Safety Commission, is the most recent change to infant sleep safety policy. These policies will help keep products that are unsafe off of the market going forward. But what about the products that are already on the market? We've got the answers to some of the most common questions so far.
How do I know if products are approved for safe sleep?
There should be warning labels on the products, but if there are not, the surface should be completely flat, the mattress or sleep surface shouldn’t have any gaps, and a well-fitted sheet should be used on the mattress/sleep surface.
My friends/family gave me some of the banned items, can I use them?
Take time to look over any hand-me-downs. Check items that were passed along from friends or family for broken parts, expiration dates, recalls, and wear before you use them with your child.
I’d like to save money and shop for second-hand items, can I do that?
Stay cautious of second-hand purchases. Do your research before you buy an item second-hand from a thrift store or online marketplaces. Make sure that what you pick up is in good condition and is the product you intended to buy.
What can I do if I currently have a product that is no longer safe to use?
- Check the company’s website and see if they are issuing any sort of refund for the product.
- Don't donate or pass the product along to anyone else.
- Dispose of the unsafe product immediately.
What about bedding sets that come with quilts and bumper pads?
These make for cute pictures but aren’t safe for use in the crib. There are plenty of other ways to decorate the nursery. Keep it simple, babies should sleep in an empty crib, portable crib, or bassinet flat on their back. There is no need for blankets, bumper pads, or stuffed animals in the sleep area.
Do you have more questions? Ask them here: Baby Safety Questions. Dayton Children’s Staff will answer your questions in an upcoming blog.
Looking for more information on safe sleep? Check out these resources: