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health & safety topics

Your child's health and safety is our top priority. Please search our resource library for information on health, nutrition, fitness, injury prevention and other important topics.

Sleep & Your Baby


Bed-sharing increases the risk of sleep-related deaths, including SIDS. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends room-sharing without bed-sharing for the safest sleep environment.

Breastfeeding FAQs: Sleep — Yours and Your Baby's

Here are answers to some common questions about breastfed babies and sleep - from where they should snooze to when they'll finally start sleeping through the night.

Flat Head Syndrome (Positional Plagiocephaly)

Babies can develop a flat spot on the back of their heads, usually from sleeping in the same position too long. Alternating your baby's sleep position and providing lots of "tummy time" can help.

Helping Your Baby Sleep (Video)

All new parents want their babies to sleep well. Here's what to expect in that first year, and how to help your baby sleep.

How Can I Be Sure My Baby Stays on Her Back While She Sleeps?

Find out what the experts have to say.


A good nap can keep kids from becoming overtired, which not only takes a toll on their moods but might make it harder for them to fall asleep at night.

Safe Sleep for Babies (Video)

Guard against sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) by learning how to safely put your baby to sleep.

Sleep and Your 1- to 2-Year-Old

Nighttime feedings may be a thing of the past, but in this second year of life your tot might be rising for other reasons. Learn more.

Sleep and Your 1- to 3-Month-Old

At this age, babies generally have their days and nights straightened out. Many infants even "sleep through the night," which means 5 or 6 hours at a time.

Sleep and Your 4- to 7-Month-Old

By this age, your baby should be on the way to having a regular sleep pattern, sleeping longer at night, and taking 2 or 3 naps during the day.