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First Aid and More

What to Do About Dehydration

Kids can become dehydrated when their bodies lose very large amounts of fluids. It's important to replace fluids as quickly as possible. Here's how.

What to Do About Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is a common skin condition in babies. In most cases, the condition clears up quickly with a few simple changes.

What to Do About Diarrhea

Diarrhea is common and usually not a sign of something serious. Find out what to do if your child has diarrhea.

What to Do About Headaches

Headaches are rarely a sign of something serious. Here's what to do if your child has a headache.

What to Do About Poison Ivy

Mild rashes from poison ivy, oak, and sumac plants can be treated at home. But get medical care for severe and widespread rashes.

What to Do About Spider Bites

Most spider bites cause mild reactions, but some can cause serious illness or allergic reactions. Here's what to do if you think your child was bitten by a spider.

What to Do About Stomachaches

Stomachaches are common in childhood, and often caused by gas, constipation or viruses. Find out when a stomachache requires a trip to the doctor.

What to Do About the Flu

Telltale signs of the flu include a sore throat, body aches and fever. Here's what to do if your child has the flu.

What to Do About Tick Bites

Some ticks carry harmful germs that can cause disease. Find out what to do if your child is bitten by a tick.

What to Do About Warts

Warts are common skin infections. They generally don't cause any serious problems, so usually don't need to be removed.