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kidshealth library

health & safety topics

Your child's health and safety is our top priority. Please search our resource library for information on health, nutrition, fitness, injury prevention and other important topics.


Week 19

A waxy substance called vernix caseosa is covering your baby to help protect the delicate skin from becoming chapped or scratched.

Week 2

Week 2 is the midpoint of a typical menstrual cycle, when ovulation occurs and conditions are most favorable for fertilization of an egg by sperm.

Week 20

You're now halfway through your pregnancy and possibly feeling your baby's first movements, which may begin between weeks 18 and 20.

Week 21

Your baby's intestines are developed enough that small amounts of sugars are absorbed from the fluid your baby swallows and passed through the digestive system to the large bowel.

Week 22

Brain and nerve endings are formed enough so that the fetus can feel touch, while you might be feeling irregular, painless Braxton Hicks contractions.

Week 23

You may feel more forceful movements — your baby's daily workout routine includes moving the muscles in the fingers, toes, arms, and legs.

Week 24

Your baby's inner ear has developed enough that your baby can know when he or she is upside down or right side up in your belly.

Week 25

You may notice that your baby has resting and alert periods. Your baby's hearing has continued to develop, too — he or she may now be able to hear your voice!

Week 26

Your baby now weighs a little less than 2 pounds and will gain weight steadily until birth.

Week 27

This first week of the third trimester, your baby looks similar to what he or she will look like at birth - just smaller and thinner.