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Ears, Nose, Throat/Speech & Hearing

Vaccines and Cochlear Implants

Children with cochlear implants have a higher risk than other kids of getting some types of bacterial meningitis. Vaccines can help protect them.

Velopharyngeal Dysfunction (VPD)

When sound and air leaks into the nasal cavity during speech, it's called velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD).

Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD)

Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) means that the vocal cords partially close during breathing, so air has more trouble getting through.

What's a Cochlear Implant? (Video)

A cochlear implant is a surgically placed device that helps a person with severe hearing loss hear sounds. Doctors consider cochlear implants for children under 12 months of age with profound hearing loss in both ears. Older children with serious hearing loss also may get cochlear implants.

What's a Nasopharyngoscopy? (Video)

A nasopharyngoscopy is a quick procedure that uses a special camera to help a doctor look at the back of the throat.

What's Ear Tube Surgery (Myringotomy)? (Video)

A doctor might suggest ear tube surgery if a child gets many ear infections that don't clear up easily or the ear infections seem to be causing hearing loss or speech delay. Ear tube surgery can drain fluid from the middle ear, prevent future infections, and help the child hear properly again.