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Can I Have a Vaginal Birth If I Had a Previous C-Section?

Many women who have had a cesarean section (or C-section) with their first pregnancy are interested in a vaginal delivery for their second or later births. For years, women who'd had a C-section were encouraged to skip vaginal deliveries and schedule C-sections for all future births.

But now, a vaginal birth after cesarean (or VBAC) is considered a safe option for many women and their babies. And, with a vaginal delivery, you can come home sooner and recover quicker.

The reason for your first C-section, the type of incision made on your uterus, and other things in your medical history will determine whether you can have a VBAC:

  • A transverse incision (also known as a horizontal incision) cuts across the lower, thinner part of the uterus. It is used during most C-sections and makes a VBAC much more likely.
  • A vertical incision cuts up and down through the uterine muscles that strongly contract during labor, and is riskier for a VBAC because it might cause uterine rupture (a tear in the uterine muscle).

The incision on your skin does not necessarily go in the same direction as the incision on your uterus. Also, if you've had more than one C-section, a VBAC might not be an option.

Although a VBAC does come with risks, many women can have one with no problems at all. If you're interested in having a VBAC, talk to your doctor to weigh the risks and benefits. And check with your hospital ahead of time to make sure they'll allow it. If they don't and you have your heart set on a vaginal birth, you may need to change hospitals.