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health & safety topics

Your child's health and safety is our top priority. Please search our resource library for information on health, nutrition, fitness, injury prevention and other important topics.


10 Things That Might Surprise You About Being Pregnant

Here are 10 common surprises that can come with pregnancy.

5 Things to Know About Zika and Pregnancy

Zika virus, spread by mosquitoes, is the cause of a serious birth defect. Here are 5 things to know about Zika and pregnancy.

5 Ways to Prevent Early Labor (Slideshow)

It's best for babies not to be born before they're due. Learn what you can do to prevent early labor.

A Guide for First-Time Parents

If you're a new parent, get the basics in this guide about burping, bathing, bonding, and other baby-care concerns.

A Week-by-Week Pregnancy Calendar

Our week-by-week illustrated pregnancy calendar is a detailed guide to all the changes taking place in your baby - and in you!

Air Travel During Pregnancy

Most healthy pregnant women can fly up to 4 weeks before their due date. After that, it's best to stay close to home in case you deliver.

Alcohol Use During Pregnancy

It's always wise to be cautious and not drink any alcohol at all during pregnancy. Here's why.

Are Vaccines Safe During Pregnancy?

Be sure to talk to your doctor before getting any vaccines during pregnancy. It's best to wait until after your pregnancy for most, but a few are considered safe.

Are You in Labor?

Here's how to tell the difference between true labor and false labor -- and when to get medical care.

Avoiding Lead Exposure During Pregnancy

Lead is toxic and especially harmful for a developing fetus. Fortunately, exposure to high lead levels is rare in the United States.