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Child Abuse

What Is Child Abuse?

Child abuse happens when someone caring for a child hurts them emotionally or physically. It can happen to boys or girls in any family. Often, the emotional trauma lasts long after a hurt body has healed.

Knowing the dangers of abuse and what to do if you suspect it is key to keeping all children safe.

What Are the Types of Child Abuse?

Physical abuse is when a child's body has been hurt. Hitting hard with a hand or an object like a belt can leave bruises or cuts and cause pain. Shaking, pushing, choking, punching, painful grabbing, and kicking also can be physical abuse.

Sexual abuse is sexual contact (like sexual acts) or non-contact sexual activities (like taking or sharing sexual photos and sexual talk) between:

  • an adult and someone younger than age 18
  • an older child or teen and a much younger child
  • one person who has power over another, no matter their ages

Most cases of sexual abuse involve a close trusted adult or family member who abuses the child's trust. Often, the child is not physically forced into it, but is pressured or talked into the activity, offered gifts, or asked to keep secrets.

Neglect is when an adult doesn't do what's needed to take care of a child. This means not giving the child enough:

  • food, housing, or clothing
  • medical care
  • supervision
  • attention (called emotional neglect, when a child is ignored)
  • education/schooling

Emotional abuse (or psychological abuse) happens when caregivers judge, threaten, put down, or reject kids or teens. The adults withhold love, so children feel bad about themselves or worthless.

Medical child abuse is when adult caregivers harm a child with too much medical care, such as medicines, doctor visits, surgeries, or lab tests that are not needed.

Who Can Lead to Child Abuse?

There isn't just one type of person who abuses a child. Most of the time, a child knows their abuser well. Sometimes people who abuse children were abused when they were children.

Sometimes, adults who misuse drugs or drink too much alcohol can put children in danger through neglect or by physically, sexually, or emotionally hurting them. Many state laws consider it child abuse when adults use drugs or overuse alcohol around a child, even if the child isn't neglected or physically hurt. In some states, it can be child abuse if:

  • adults let a child drink alcohol or take illegal drugs
  • adults make, take, or sell illegal drugs when kids are around
  • a woman uses illegal drugs while pregnant

What Are the Signs of Child Abuse?

Kids and teens often have a hard time speaking up about abuse. So knowing what to look for can help.

Kids who are being abused might:

  • get a lot of bruises, especially in places kids don't usually get bruises from playing
  • explain injuries with stories that don't make sense or keep changing
  • not want to go home
  • avoid being with the abuser
  • avoid being with others
  • show signs of emotional trauma, like fear, anger, or trouble relating to or trusting others
  • be sad or depressed
  • bully others
  • hurt themselves, like by cutting
  • have nightmares or trouble sleeping
  • act out in class, have trouble paying attention, or be hyperactive (fidgety, restless, and easily bored)
  • use drugs

Kids who see abuse (but are not the victims themselves) or see violence between adults who are caring for them sometimes show similar signs.

These signs don't always point to abuse. Kids going through stressful times — like their parents' separation or divorce, a move, or the death of a loved one — also might be sad, angry, or withdrawn. But if physical signs (like bruises) happen along with behavior problems, that's a stronger sign of abuse.

Sometimes, people who abuse kids can show signs. For example, parents who abuse their children may:

  • Always talk negatively about the child or call the child worthless.
  • Try to keep the child away from others.
  • Have a hard time talking about their children's injuries or behavioral problems.
  • Show little concern or affection for the child.

What Should I Do if I Suspect Child Abuse?

If you think a child is being abused or a child tells you about abuse, contact your local:

You also can call or text the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at (800) 422-4453. You don't have to give your name. 

You might not be sure of the abuse, but having a concern is enough. The authorities will look into it to find out if abuse is happening. It's better to report a concern and have no abuse found than to not act while a child continues to be hurt.

Never threaten a person or take the law into your own hands. Let the legal system do its work.

If you are worried that you might hurt a child in your care, make sure the child is somewhere safe, and then speak with a friend, relative, or health care provider. You also can call or text the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at (800) 422-4453. You might just need someone to talk to or you may want to find counseling.

When Should a Doctor Check for Child Abuse?

Bring a child to a doctor or the emergency room (ER) if a child:

  • is hurt, not getting enough food, or hasn’t had medical problems treated
  • shows signs of physical or sexual abuse

Based on the child’s age and your concerns, a physical exam and X-rays or other imaging tests may be done. The doctor also might order blood tests or urine tests. These can help them check for abuse and look for an internal injury or medical condition that could cause similar signs. If a child has signs of sexual abuse, doctors may do a pelvic exam and check for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

What Else Should I Know?

Not all suspicions of child abuse turn out to be true. But all deserve serious attention and fast action.

The earlier abuse is found and stopped, the sooner medical care, therapy, and counseling can help children and families heal.

So if you suspect abuse, speak up. If a child tells you about abuse, take it seriously. All children deserve to be heard, protected, and helped.