1. Cairo SB, Aranda A, Rothstein DH; Pediatric Surgery Research Collaborative (PedSRC). Variability in perioperative evaluation and resource utilization in pediatric patients with suspected biliary dyskinesia: A multi-institutional retrospective cohort study. J Pediatr Surg. 2019 Mar 2
2. Walk CT, Meagher D, Christian J, Barnett S, Pence J, Aranda A. Neonatal Intestinal Anastomosis Using a 5mm Laparoscopic Stapler. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2019 Apr:29(4):579-581
3. Nisly D, Barnett S, Herzing K, Aranda A. Concurrent testicular torsion and acute incarcerated inguinal hernia in an adolescent boy. BMJ Case Rep. 2018 Oct 27; 20184
4. Riquelme M, Elizondo RA, Aranda A. Palpable Undescended Testes: 15 Years of Experience and Outcome in Laparoscopic Orchiopexy. J Endourol. 2015 Sep:29(9):978-82
5. Chokshi NK, Guner YS, Aranda A, Shin CE, Ford HR, Nguyen NX, Laparoscopic choledocal cyst excision: lessons learned in our experience. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques, 2009 Feb:19(1):87-91
6. Aranda A, Estrada J, Petrosyan M, Jackson H, Stein JE. Neonatal bronchomediastinal fistula. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 2007 Oct;42(10):1792-3.
7. Yigit G, Aranda A, Shin C. Thoracoscopic Repair of Neonatal Diaphragmatic Hernia. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques, 2008 Dec;18(6):875-80.
8. Riquelme M, Lopez M, Landa S, Mejia Francisco; Aranda A, Rodarte-Shade M, Rodriguez-Gomez J, Torres-Riquelme, J. Laparoscopic extravesical ureteral reimplantation (LEVUR): a multicenter experience with 95 cases. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2013 Apr;23(2):143-7
9. Riquelme M, Aranda A, Rodarte-Shade M, Rodriguez-Gomez J, Torres-Riquelme. A New Surgical Stabilizing Instrument for Hypospadias Repair. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2013 Apr;23(2):148-9.
10. Riquelme M, Aranda A, Rodarte-Shade M, Rodriguez-Gomez J, Torres-Riquelme J. Totally laparoscopic approach for failed conventional orchiopexy. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2012 Jun;22(5):514-7.
11. Riquelme M, Aranda A, Riquelme-Q M. Laparoscopic pediatric inguinal hernia repair: no ligation, just resection. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2010 Feb;20(1):77-80.
12. Riquelme M, Aranda A. Laparoscopic Vesicoureteral Reimplantation. Dialogues in Pediatric Urology. Vol. 30, Num 1. Oct. 2008.
13. Aranda A, Shin C, Wang K. Laparoscopic repair of Morgagni type hernias. International Pediatric Endosurgical Group online video library. February 2008.
14. Riquelme M, Aranda A. Laparoscopic Treatment of Duodenal Obstruction: Report on First Experiences from Latin America. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2008 Oct;18(5):334-6
15. Riquelme, M, Aranda A. Incidence and management of the inguinal hernia during laparoscopic orchiopexy in palpable cryptoorchidism: preliminary report. Pediatric Surgery International 2007 Apr;23(4):301-4
16. Riquelme M, Aranda A. Orquidopexia por laparoscopia en testiculo no descendido. Seguimiento a largo plazo. Revista Avances (Mex). Vol. 4, Num 12, 26-29, 2007.
17. Riquelme M, Aranda A. Laparoscopic Extravesical Transperitoneal Approach for Vesicoureteral Reflux. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques. . 2006 Jun;16(3):321-4. Riquelme M, Aranda A. Laparoscopic Orchiodopexy for Palpable Undescended Testes: A Five-Year Experience. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques. Vol 16, No. 3: 321-324. Jun 2006.
Video, oral or poster presentation at international meetings, with abstract publications
- Aranda A, Barnett S. Pseudocyst management after laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for traumatic transection. Oral Presentation. Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons Conference, Mar 13, 2019. Christchurch, New Zealand
- Walk, C., Pence, J., Meagher, D. & Aranda, A. An Unusual Case of Upper Esophageal Duplication. Quick Shot Video Presentation. Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons Conference, 14 May 2018, Sapporo, Japan.
- Rako, K., Jazayeri-Moghaddas, O., Herzing, K. & Aranda, A. Effect of BMI on Outcomes of Cholecystectomy for Biliary Dyskinesia in Pediatric Patients. Poster Presentation. Wright State University, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Medical Student Symposium. 2018 April 11.
- Walk, C, Sharma, M, Osterhage, M., Pringle, J, Aranda, A, Meagher D, Barnett, S, Pence, J. BMI Percentile Effects on Cholelithiasis and Biliary Dysfunction in the Pediatric Population. Quick Shot Oral Presentation. Academic Surgical Congress 13th Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, Florida, January 30-February 1, 2018.
- Walk CT, Sharma M., Osterhage M., Hardisky D., Pringle J., Meagher D., Aranda A., Barnett S., Pence J. Is Routine Head Imaging Necessary for Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury? Poster presentation at: American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Annual Meeting 2017.
- Sharma M., Walk CT, Osterhage M, Ahmadian RR, Pringle J, Aranda-Gracia A, Pence J., Meagher D. Pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma: a literature review and case study. Poster presentation at: The Seventh Annual University of Dayton and Miami Valley Hospital Healthcare Symposium; 2016 Apr 23; Dayton, OH.
- Walk CT, Dawson KA, Richardson MD, Sharma M, Aranda A, Pence JC, Meagher D. Right sided diaphragmatic injury in children; a case study and literature review. Poster presentation at: The Seventh Annual University of Dayton and Miami Valley Hospital Healthcare Symposium; 2016 Apr 23; Dayton, OH.
- Aranda A., Meagher, Jr., D., Pence, J. Laparoscopy in Uncommon Pediatric Duodenal Pathology. Oral Presentation. 49th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons. Koloa, Hawaii. April 2016.
- Riquelme M, Elizondo R, Martinez A, Aranda A., Breaking the mold: Instant messaging and social media for continuing medical education. Oral Presentation. 49th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons, Koloa, Hawaii, April 2016.
- Riquelme M, Elizondo R, Aranda A., PAPS Latino: breaking worldwide frontiers in education for the Hispanic/Latino pediatric surgeon. Oral Presentation. 49th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons. Koloa, Hawaii. April 2016.
- Sharma M, Dawson KA, Richardson MD, Walk CT, Aranda A, Pence JC, Meagher D. Right sided diaphragmatice injury in children: A case study and literature review. Poster presentation at: Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine 8th Annual Medical Student Research Symposium; 2016 Apr 13; Dayton, OH.
- Osterhage M, Walk CT, Shara M, Ahmadian RR, Aranda A, Pence JC, Meagher D. Pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma: A literature review and case study. Poster presentation at: Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine 8th Annual Medical Student Research Symposium, 2016 Apr13; Dayton, OH.
- Richardson M, Dawson KA, Aranda A, Pence J, Meagher D. Right-sided traumatic diaphragmatic injuries: A case study and literature review. Oral presentation at: Daniel Elliott Research Symposium; 2015 Apr 15; Dayton, OH.
- Riquelme M, Aranda A. Laparoscopic reoperation after failed conventional orquidopexy. Oral Presentation. 46th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons. PAPS. Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia. April 2013
- Aranda A, Riquelme M. Thoracoscopic Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia repair considerations. Poster Presentation. 46th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons. PAPS. Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia. April 2013
- Riquelme M, Aranda A. Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Nephrectomy using a three trocar surgical technique.- Long term follow up and technique discussion. Oral Presentation. 46th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons. PAPS. Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia. April 2013
- Riquelme M, Aranda A, Rodarte-Shade M. Totally laparoscopic approach for failed conventional orchiopexy. Oral Presentation. International Pediatric Endosurgery Group (IPEG) Annual Congress / SAGES. San Diego, California, USA. Marzo 2012.
- Riquelme M, Aranda A, Rodarte-Shade M, Rodríguez C, Rodríguez-Gómez J, Torres-Riquelme J. A new surgical stabilizing instrument for hypospadias repair.Poster Presentation. 45th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons. PAPS. Shangai, China. June 2012.
- Riquelme M, Aranda A, Rodarte-Shade M, Rodríguez-Gómez J, Torres-Riquelme J. Management of recurrent cryptorchidism: is there a role for laparoscopy? Oral Presentation. 45th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons. PAPS. Shangai , China . June 2012.
- Rodarte-Shade M, Aranda A, Riquelme R. Laparoscopic repair of congenital hernias. Oral Presentation. World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. April 2012.
- Rodarte-Shade M, Aranda A, Riquelme R. Laparoscopic orchiopexy for palpable undescended testes: surgical technique and twelve-year experience. Oral Presentation. World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. April 2012.
- Rodríguez-García HA, Riquelme M, Aranda A, Rodarte-Shade M. Laparoscopic right nephroureterectomy and left partial nephrectomy in a patient with stage V Wilms´ tumor. Video Presentation.. World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. April 2012.
- Rodriguez-García HA, Riquelme M, Aranda A, Rodarte-Shade M. The advantage of laparoscopic pelvic dissection of pediatric pelvic rhabdomyosarcoma. Video Presentation. World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. April 2012.
- Riquelme, Mario, Lopez, Manuel, Landa, Sergio, Mejia, Francisco; Aranda, Arturo, Rodarte-Shade, Mario, Rodriguez-Gomez, Jaime, Torres-Riquelme, Jairo. Laparoscopic Extravesical Ureteral Reimplantation (LEVUR): A Multicenter Experience with 95 Cases. World Congress of Pediatric Urology, San Francisco, California, USA, May 2010
- Riquelme M, Aranda A. First Place Internacional Oral Presentation: Laparoscopic Management of Vesicoureteral reflux. Long term follow up. XVI Colombian Congress of Pediatric Surgery. Oct. 10-12, 2008.
- Aranda A, Nguyen NX, Shin C. Preliminary results of thoracoscopic repair in neonatal diaphragmatic defects. American College of Surgeons ACS South California Chapter. Santa Barbara, California, Jan.2007
- Aranda A, Nguyen NX. Choledochal cyst resection. American College of Surgeons ACS South California Chapter. Video Presentation abstract. Santa Barbara, California, Jan.2007
- Aranda A, Guner Y, Chokshi N, Shin C, Nguyen NX. Laparoscopic Choledocal cyst resection: Preliminary experience. International Pediatric Endosurgical Group IPEG 2007 Abstract. Poster presentation. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques. 17(4): 555-571, 2007
- Aranda A, Gaon M, Stein J, Chen S, Nguyen NX, Shin C.Preliminary results of thoracoscopic repair in Neonatal Diaphragmatic hernia: Two-institution experience. International Pediatric Endosurgical Group IPEG 2007 Abstract. Oral presentation. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques, 17(4): 535, 2007
- Aranda A, Wang K, Shin C. Laparoscopic repair of thoracic Morgagni type diaphragmatic hernias. International Pediatric Endosurgical Group IPEG 2007. Video presentation. Abstract Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques, 17(4): 573-579, 2007
- Riquelme M, Aranda A, Riquelme-Q M, Rodriguez C. Our experience in laparoscopic Extravesical Transperitoenal approach for Vesicoutreteral Reflux.. International Pediatric Endosurgical Group IPEG 2007 Abstract. Oral presentation Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques, 17(4): 537, 2007
- Riquelme M, Aranda A, Candanosa E, Villalvazo H. Five Year experience on laparoscopic orchiopexy for the palpable undescended testis. International Pediatric Endosurgical Group IPEG Venice 2005 Poster Presentation Abstract. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques. 15(2): 231, 2005
- Riquelme M, MD, Aranda A. Laparoscopic Approach for duodenal obstruction in the newborn and children: Preliminary report. International Pediatric Endosurgical Group IPEG Dallas 2006. Poster presentation abstract. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques. Vol. 16, No. 2: 207-236. Apr 2006
- Riquelme M, Aranda A. Laparoscopic Nissen 4 trocar Procedure in neurologically impaired (NI) children vs Non-NI Children. International Pediatric Endosurgical Group IPEG Dallas 2006 Poster presentation abstract. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques. Vol. 16, No. 2 207-236, Apr 2006
- Riquelme M, Aranda A. Laparoscopic Punch biopsy forceps. A novel Laparoscopic Intrument for solid organs or tumors. International Pediatric Endosurgical Group IPEG Dallas 2006. Poster presentation abstracts. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques. Apr 2006, Vol. 16, No. 2: 207-236
- Riquelme M, Aranda A. Laparoscopic approach for the palpable undescended testis. Preliminary report. European society for pediatric Urology XVIII meeting. Bruges, Belgium. April, 2007
- Abdominal and Thoracic Trauma Talk (Pediatric Fundamental Critical Care Support Course – 2015 yearly to present)
- Trauma and Burns (Pediatric Fundamental Critical Care Support Course – 2016 yearly to present)
- Abdominal and Thoracic Trauma (Acute Care Symposium – 2015 yearly to present)
- Update on Pediatric and Neonatal MIS (Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital, Department of Surgery, Grand Rounds), March 21, 2018.