reinventing the path to optimal child mental health
In our community and across the country, mental health is the number one health concern facing our youth. And with the COVID-19 global pandemic adding further stress, we expect the need to grow even more. Dayton Children’s will invest in developing a range of services that address prevention and early intervention as well as access to a full spectrum of mental health care.
We are among the first children’s hospitals in the country to implement this comprehensive approach to care.
together we can do more
The Connor Group Kids and Community Partners have committed $5 million over five years to fund these services and are asking the Dayton community to participate in a $3 million Challenge Grant.
addressing the need for mental and behavioral health services
This video illustrates how Dayton Children's and The Connor Group are partnering to advance mental and behavioral health services for kids in our region and beyond.
about The Connor Group
For more than 25 years, The Connor Group Kids and Community Partners has been dedicated to making a significant, long-term impact on the lives of kids in our region. The mission has inspired their commitment to help Dayton Children’s provide the highest level of pediatric care for generations to come and we are honored to partner with them.
join the challenge
Since 2007, The Connor Group Kids and Community Partners has been dedicated to making a significant, long-term impact on the lives of kids in our region. This mission has inspired their commitment to help Dayton Children’s provide the highest level of pediatric care for generations to come.
The Connor Group Kids and Community Partners invite you to join them in supporting Dayton Children’s strategy in establishing a pediatric mental health center of excellence. Your support will help reshape the approach to comprehensive pediatric mental health.
join the challenge. make a gift.
The Connor Group Kids and Community Partners Challenge Grant will support:
increased access
Increased timely access to appropriate and effective mental health services for our most vulnerable children. Research shows early intervention to address mental health issues improves a child’s outcomes now and long into the future.
expanded programs
Expanded programs to support early intervention and prevention of mental health issues. The risk factors for mental health problems typically manifest themselves in the first few years of life. Parents, pediatricians and home visitors play a vital role in promoting healthy social and emotional development as well as identifying mental health issues before they become larger problems.
An infrastructure developed to sustain best-practice models of care, build systems to support sustainability and conduct clinical research.