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5/21/20 blog post

FAQs on wearing masks


why did the CDC change their face mask policy?

Recent studies show that a large percentage of people with COVID-19 can spread the virus either before they develop the symptoms or because they never develop symptoms at all. This means you can be talking with someone who does not appear or feel sick, but they can spread the virus to you. If that person wears a mask, he or she will be less likely to spread the germs to others.

why are all employees and visitors wearing masks at Dayton Children's? 

Your safety and our employee’s safety is our top priority. Beginning April 1, we made the decision to require all employees to wear facemasks. The general mask Dayton Children’s provides helps stop the person wearing it from spreading germs to others. We made this decision with feedback from the Children’s Hospital Association, the Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association (GDAHA) and several areas in the US who have been dramatically impacted by COVID-19.

All visitors (adults and children) will also receive a disposable mask after they are screened. The general mask Dayton Children’s provides helps stop the person wearing it from spreading germs to others. If you come to the hospital wearing a cloth mask, you may continue wearing it. We are also happy to provide a disposable mask, if you'd prefer. You can read more about this change here.

do I have to wear a mask in public?

You do not have to wear a mask, if you can control how closely people will get to you. If you can ensure six feet of distance around you at all times, you do not need to wear a mask. A mask will help keep your germs from spreading to those around you.

if I wear a mask, will it protect me from others' germs?

While it is a barrier, a cloth face covering is meant to help you prevent spreading the virus as opposed to protecting you from the virus. This is why it is still important to practice social distancing.

do children and infants need to wear a mask?

Children younger than 2 should not wear cloth face coverings.  This can be a choking hazard. For babies, it best to keep them home whenever possible.  If you must take them out, keep them a safe distance from others.  For infants still in car seats, cover the car seat with a light blanket to limit exposure.

There may be times that children do need to wear a face covering like when you need to take them to the doctor, pharmacy, or grocery store.  These are the times that make many parents nervous with young ones who don’t understand the importance of social distancing and keeping their hands to themselves.

If your child is wearing a face covering, make sure it covers your child’s mouth and nose and stretches from ear to ear. Kids should be taught to wash their hands before and after they wear it and avoid touching it once it's on their face. Your child should avoid touching the front of the face covering and take it off from behind.

Learn more about helping kids wear a mask

should I wear a cloth mask?

As of April 3, 2020 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) started recommending wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies) especially in areas of significant community-based spread. They urge cloth only. Do not take surgical or N-95 masks away from health care workers who need them to care for patients. A cloth mask will help keep you from spreading your germs to others.

It’s important to remember that even with a mask, you should still practice social distancing by standing six feet away from others. In addition, make sure you launder any cloth masks daily.

Wash your hands after putting on and taking off the mask – and avoid touching the front of it, which may be contaminated with others’ germs.

how do I make a cloth mask?

There are a number of ways but the CDC has excellent recommendations. Instructions can also be found on a variety of websites using everyday items such as a bandana and hair ties.

what is the proper way to wear a mask?