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Sandra L. Todd, Psy.D., ABPP


autism spectrum disorders, anxiety disorders, parent training and consultation, social skills training, school consultation, integration of faith and psychology


education and training

  • medical school/graduate school: Illinois School of Professional Psychology, Chicago Campus
  • residency: Wright-Patterson Medical Center
  • fellowship: Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard School of Medicine
  • board certification:American Board of Professional Psychology — Clinical Psychology

publications and presentations


  • Cigrang, J.A., Todd, S.L. & Carbone, E.G. (2000). Stress management training for military trainees returned to duty after a mental health evaluation: Effect on graduation rates. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5, 48-55
  • Cigrang, J.A., Carbone, E.G., & Todd, S.L. (1999). Research at the Behavioral Analysis Service. The Air Force Psychologist, 17, 11-14.
  • Cigrang, J.A., Carbone, E.G., Todd, S.L., & Fiedler, E. (1998). Mental health attrition from Air Force Basic Military Training. Military Medicine, 163, 834-838.
  • Carbone, E.G., Cigrang, J.A., & Todd, S.L. (1999). Predicting outcome of Military Basic Training for individuals referred for psychological evaluation. Journal of Personality Assessment, 72, 256-265.


  • Todd, S.L. PTSD in Children Secondary to Injury or Chronic Illness. Clinical Clip Series, Dayton Children’s Hospital, OH 21 Apr 2016
  • Todd, S.L. Behavior Intervention Planning. Two-part lecture to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Postdoctoral Fellows, Wright-State University, OH, 4 Mar 2016
  • Todd, S.L. Autism Assessment through the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS). Didactic presentation to psychology residents, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, 22 Oct 2013
  • Todd, S.L. Responding to the Unthinkable—Managing the Mental Health Consequences of Disaster: Provider Burnout. Defense Institute for Medical Operations presentation to the Medical Centre of Estonian Defense Forces, Tallinn, Estonia, 5 Mar 2010
  • Todd, S.L. Responding to the Unthinkable—Managing the Mental Health Consequences of Disaster: Psychological Rehabilitation of Amputees. Defense Institute for Medical Operations presentation to the Medical Centre of Estonian Defense Forces, Tallinn, Estonia, 4 Mar 2010
  • Todd, S.L. Responding to the Unthinkable—Managing the Mental Health Consequences of Disaster: Cognitive Processing Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Defense Institute for Medical Operations presentation to the Medical Centre of Estonian Defense Forces, Tallinn, Estonia, 4 Mar 2010
  • Todd, S.L. Responding to the Unthinkable—Managing the Mental Health Consequences of Disaster: Coping with the Stigma of Mental Illness. Defense Institute for Medical Operations presentation to the Medical Centre of Estonian Defense Forces, Tallinn, Estonia, 3 Mar 2010
  • Todd, S.L. Responding to the Unthinkable—Managing the Mental Health Consequences of Disaster: The Role of Family and Community in Recovery. Defense Institute for Medical Operations presentation to the Medical Centre of Estonian Defense Forces, Tallinn, Estonia, 3 Mar 2010
  • Todd, S.L. Autism Spectrum Disorders. Didactic presentation to psychology residents, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, 7 Apr 2010
  • Todd, S.L. A Guide to the MCMI-3. Didactic presentation to psychology residents, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, 20 Jan 2009
  • Todd, S.L. Fit Families: Behavior Management for the Treatment of Childhood Obesity. Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, 24 Oct 2008 and 15 Nov 2008
  • Kehr, J., Todd, S.L., Soots, T.L., Beasley, L. Strategies for Challenging Behaviors Education and Training 4-Part Series. Multidisciplinary lectures presented to medical providers, educators, and parents, RAF Lakenheath Elementary School, RAF Lakenheath, England, 9-30 March 2005
  • Todd, S.L. Autism Spectrum Disorders Education and Training 4-Part Series. Multidisciplinary lectures presented to medical providers, educators, and parents, RAF Lakenheath Hospital, 13 January – 3 February 2004
  • Todd, S.L. Air Force Psychology. Presented to pre-doctoral psychology interns at Children’s Hospital, Boston, 3 April 2003
  • Todd, S.L. Air Force Military Training Instructor Applicant Screening. Presented at the Army Research Institute Drill Sergeant Selection Review Panel, Alexandria, VA, April 1998
  • Craig, R.J. & Todd, S.L. Psychological needs associated with personality disorders: ACL/MCMI-II convergent validity. Paper presented at the Society for Personality Assessment Annual Scientific Exchange and Workshops, San Diego, CA, March 1997.

awards, honors and organizations

  • American Board of Professional Psychology, Diplomate
  • American Psychological Association
  • Ohio Psychological Association

get to know me

I chose my specialty because...

I feel honored when individuals and families trust me to help them during challenging seasons of their lives.

I chose to work at Dayton Children's because...

everyone I have encountered who has had contact with this organization reports a positive culture of excellence.

Dayton Children's is special because...

it is deeply rooted and invested in the local community.

ratings and reviews

Question Rating Breakdown

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Provider Rating


















star star star star star

Dr. Todd was amazing with our daughter. This was our first visit and she had all of our daughter's information either memorized or in front of her so it was like she already knew her! It was so refreshing having a conversation and not just restating everything we have already said before. She took the time R needed and she listened to her fully/was attentive. Dr. Todd made us feel heard and like we weren't just being silly and worrisome parents. I am so glad we are able to see her and get the help we need as a whole family.

star star star star star

Sandy Todd not only helps with our needs she always does research on my questions and when I return has a list of things I can use to better my skills to life situations

star star star star star

Sandy not only answers our questions, she does research and does things that truly help us. So I feel blessed that we're seeing Sandy. And I don't think that we could ask for a better provider or person to help us. So I just can't say enough about her. The world was filled with more people like her. It would sure be a better place. So I thank God for Sandy Todd.

star star star star star

I think that Sandy Todd is really knowledgeable, has helped me a great deal, and helped my granddaughter a great deal. There's so many issues that we have with our situation that I thank God that we're able to see Sandy. I think if you had more people like her, the world would be a better place. I don't know how you could ask for a better, more qualified person than what she is because she's always well-skilled, has great advice, and I'd trust anything she has to say. I don't know. I would be grateful to have somebody like that work for me. So God bless her. You should appreciate her. Bye-bye.

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