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physical therapy services and programs

Dayton Children's specializes in evaluating and treating problems related to mobility, strength, coordination, balance, flexibility, and pain. Therapists in our department use standardized tests to determine the level of function in these areas.

neurodevelopmental pediatric physical therapy

We treat patients from birth to 21 with delays in gross motor skills milestones due to neurological disorders ranging from premature birth to brain tumors to trauma.

Some of the services we offer patients include:

  • Wheelchair assessments
  • Adaptive equipment assessment (walker, gait trainer, bath seat etc…)
  • Training for use of orthotics and prosthetics
  • Training for mobility and assistive devices

orthopaedic/sports physical therapy

Our therapist average at least ten years of experience of working exclusively with orthopaedic and sports medicine patients.

Our sports physical therapists design and implement programs for the management of disorders for patients age 21 and younger with physical abilities, including those with physical disabilities as well as elite athletes.

We provide therapy for a variety of conditions such as:

  • Post-op surgery (ACL reconstruction)
  • Musculo-skeletal injuries (sprins and strains)
  • Muscle atrophy/weakness
  • Gait issues ( like limping)


Dayton Children’s sports physical therapists assist athletically-active individuals to improve their performance in a variety of ways. Here are just a few of our services:

  • Evaluation and treatment of neuromusculo-skeletal injuries utilizing:
    • Electrical stimulation to assist with muscle re-education
    • Ultrasound for pain management
    • Iontophoresis for anti-inflammatory treatment
  • Brace, crutch and orthotic fitting
  • Designing return to play programs
  • Taping techniques
  • Performance enhancement

virtual care

Video visits at Dayton Children's provide you and your child a convenient, hassle-free environment for your appointment. Video visits are just like an office visit, only from the comfort of your home! Using video conferencing technology (similar to FaceTime or Google Meet) allows you to have an appointment from your mobile device or personal computer without the need to commute. If your child has an upcoming appointment, ask if a video visit is an option for care. Learn more about video visits 

inpatient physical therapy

Physical therapy is offered for patients admitted to the hospital to help children prepare for discharge and return to home. Inpatient physical therapy is designed to increase strength, flexibility and function including bed mobility skills, transfers (moving from the bed to the chair), and getting to the bathroom or even out of the house. Crutches or walkers training is often required to help a patient return to walking after an injury or surgery. Some patients who are admitted for longer admissions may require physical therapy to keep up with strength, endurance, or developmental milestones during the hospital stay. 

Inpatient physical therapy is offered 7 days per week based upon the recommended frequency of therapy.  Once evaluated, PT is provided at the frequency required to meet goals.  This can range from three times per week to three times per day if needed in preparation for discharge.


Inpatient physical therapy is also provided in the NICU to help with positioning and development for the preterm and term newborns requiring additional developmental support. Physicians and nurse practitioners in the NICU determine when the infant is medically stable for physical therapy services.

contact us request an appointment

The physical therapy department welcomes phone calls to 937- 641-3070 during our normal business hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

A physician referral is necessary prior to the child’s first outpatient evaluation visit. All follow up appointments will be made during your clinic visit or by calling rehab scheduling at the location where you wish to be seen.