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Pregnancy & Infants Q&A

I'm Pregnant. Can I Lower My Baby's Food Allergy Risk?

Find out what the experts have to say.

Is it Normal to Feel Sad After Having a Baby?

During a baby's first few days of life, it's normal for moms to feel emotional highs and lows, often called the "baby blues."

Is it Safe to Breastfeed if I Have the Flu?

If you have the flu, you can keep breastfeeding your baby. Learn more.

Is My Baby Ready for Shoes?

Find out what the experts have to say.

What Can I Do to Relieve My Pregnancy Backaches?

Find out what the experts have to say.

What if My Baby Isn't Born by My Due Date?

It's quite common for babies not to arrive right on their estimated due dates. Sometimes, if a mom's health or her baby's require it, a doctor may induce labor.

What Is Prenatal Care Before Pregnancy?

What should women who are planning a pregnancy do before they conceive? Find out here.

What's a "High-Risk" Pregnancy?

Find out what the experts have to say.

When Can Babies Start Drinking Cow's Milk?

Babies over 1 year may start to have some whole milk.