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Healthy Eating

Handling Picky Eating in Toddlers (Video)

Make mealtimes more pleasant and less stressful for everyone by learning how to handle a picky eater.

Healthy Eating

Good nutrition and a balanced diet help kids grow up healthy. Here's how to improve nutrition and encourage smart eating habits.

Healthy Food Shopping

What you put in the grocery cart can affect your child's health and attitude toward nutritious food.

How to Add Balance to a Favorite Meal

It can be easy to add balance to your child's favorite meals. Find out how to do it.

How to Keep Kids Satisfied With Healthy, Low-Cost Foods

You can help your child feel satisfied with healthy foods that don’t cost a lot.

How to Make a Healthy Snack

Healthy snacks give your child the right balance of fiber and protein.

How to Make a Low-Cost and Healthy Dinner

Find out how to make dinner that's healthy and doesn't cost a lot.

Hunger and Your Preschooler

Your preschooler eats lunch, then 20 minutes later claims to be hungry. Is a snack OK? Maybe yes, maybe no. Here's why.


Iron is an important ingredient needed to make hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying part of every red blood cell.

Keeping Portions Under Control

Waistlines have been expanding over the last few decades. Part of the problem is what we eat, but another is quantity. Are our plates simply piled too high?