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kidshealth library

health & safety topics

Your child's health and safety is our top priority. Please search our resource library for information on health, nutrition, fitness, injury prevention and other important topics.

General Health

Aches, Pains & Injuries

How to handle the inevitable boo-boos of childhood.

Body Basics

What you need to know about the body's organs and major systems.

Sick Kids

Learn about tests, procedures, common conditions, and how to keep kids well.

Your Kid's Body

Advice on common conditions and ways to keep kids healthy.

Your Kid's Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat

Learn how to care for these body parts, and what conditions can affect them.

Your Kid's Sleep

From bedwetting to bedsharing, guidelines and advice on a variety of sleep-related topics.

Your Kid's Teeth

Here's how to keep those choppers healthy!