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Safety Tips: Wrestling

Wrestlers compete one-on-one to see who's stronger and quicker. So when the action starts, injuries can happen. Following these tips can help wrestlers enjoy their sport safely.

What Safety Gear Do Wrestlers Need?

To reduce the risk of injuries, wrestlers need the right safety gear, including:

Headgear. All wrestlers at the middle school, high school, and college levels are required to wear headgear. It’s sometimes called "ear guards" because of the padded shells that go over the ears to help prevent ear and head injuries. Headgear should fit correctly and all the straps should be secure.

Kneepads. Some wrestlers wear kneepads on one or both knees. Padded kneepads can help prevent swelling that can happen from a knee hitting the mat over and over again. Another type of kneepad, called a shooting sleeve, has less padding and helps knees slide across the mat to help prevent mat burns.

Shoes. Wrestling shoes are light and flexible, but they should still provide ankle support and traction on the mat. They should fit correctly and be kept tied with the laces tucked in.

Mouth guards. Mouth guards protect the teeth, lips, cheeks, and tongue. In many school districts, they're required for wrestlers who have braces.

Athletic support. Guys should wear an athletic supporter and girls should wear a good sports bra while wrestling.

How Can Wresters Stay Safe?

Before starting the season, wrestlers should get a sports physical. Their doctor can check for any health problems and talk about sports safety. Most schools won't let athletes play unless they've had a sports physical within the past year. And being in good shape can help players avoid injuries.

Wrestlers also should:

  • Warm up and stretch before practice and matches.
  • Use proper technique.
  • Stop training if they get hurt or feel pain, and get checked by an athletic trainer, coach, doctor, or nurse.
  • Know the rules of the sport and follow them.
  • Know the symptoms of a concussion, like headache, dizziness or confusion. If they hit their head or don’t feel well, players should tell the trainer or coach right away. Follow return-to-play guidelines.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after practices and matches.

Wrestlers who are trying to gain or lose weight should work with a coach, athletic trainer, or dietitian who can help them do it safely. It’s dangerous to for people to starve themselves, exercise to the extreme, take weight-loss pills, or get dehydrated on purpose.

Young wrestlers (middle school and younger) probably shouldn’t try to lose weight as they are still growing and developing. Older wrestlers need to make sure they don't lose too much weight and eat a healthy diet that supports muscle strength and energy.

What Else Should I Know?

  • Wrestling mats should be cleaned with a disinfectant cleaner after every match or practice. This will help prevent skin infections like impetigo or ringworm.
  • The team's coach should emphasize safe, fair play at practices and matches.
  • Players should be respectful of the referees and not argue with their calls. They should stay calm if an opposing wrestler does something they disagree with. They should not take it personally or start a fight — let the referees handle it.
  • Teams should have a first-aid kit available at all practices and matches.
  • It can help to play different sports throughout the year to prevent repetitive stress injuries (overuse injuries). These happen when someone trains too much or makes the same motions over and over.

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