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Fragile X Syndrome Factsheet (for Schools)

What Educators Should Know

Fragile X syndrome (FXS), also called Martin-Bell syndrome, is one of the most common cause of inherited intellectual disability. FXS happen because of a change in a gene on the X chromosome. This change means the body can't make a protein needed for normal brain development. FXS affects both males and females, but is milder in females. 

Challenges for Students With Fragile X Syndrome

Students with Fragile X syndrome may have:

  • developmental delays
  • learning disabilities
  • social and behavioral problems
  • intellectual disabilities

They might:

  • need seating accommodations and assistive or adaptive equipment in class
  • need extra learning support
  • have problems with planning, problem-solving, and impulsivity
  • be very sensitive to sounds, lights, textures, tastes, and smells
  • miss class time for occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy
  • need frequent breaks during class time to help cope with anxiety and worry
  • need small-group or one-on-one instruction for new concepts or tasks
  • need an individualized education program (IEP) or 504 education plan

What Educators Can Do

Students with FXS work best in a calm, structured learning environment without distractions.

To help your students with FXS:

  • Use visual cues in addition to verbal instructions.
  • Make time for extra breaks.
  • Give them prompts when transition times are coming up.
  • Help them handle their sensitivities. This may mean letting them wear noise-reduction headphones, dimming lights (if possible), providing quiet areas, and limiting classroom distractions.
  • Teach all your students self-calming strategies to avoid emotional outbursts.

Providing consistency and maintaining routines in the classroom, as well as encouraging participation in all appropriate activities, can help students with FXS do their best in school.

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