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Heart Health (Topic Center)

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Your Child's Heart

Get the basics on everything from keeping your child's heart healthy to some of the heart problems that can affect kids. To start, it helps to learn how the heart works.

The Heart

Heart Health

What's a great way to keep your child's heart healthy? Encourage healthy eating and exercise!

  • Cholesterol

    High cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease, which has its roots in childhood.

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  • Fats

    Though too much fat can be unhealthy, some kinds of fat are good for us and are an important part of a healthy diet.

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  • Your Child's Weight

    "What's the right weight for my child?" is one of the most common questions parents have. It seems like a simple one, but it's not always easy to answer.

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Cardiac FAQs

  • Having a heart murmur means that the blood makes an extra noise as it flows through the heart. Most murmurs are normal. Sometimes a murmur happens because of a problem in the heart.

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Dayton Children’s expands, consolidates mental health services with opening of Mental Health Outpatient Care Center in Springboro

Dayton Children’s opens a Mental Health Outpatient Care Center in Springboro, uniting services to better support families.

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