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what is the first seizure clinic?

When a child has their first convulsive seizure, it can be terrifying for parents and families. Parents are often left with many questions and wondering what to do if this were to happen again. Dayton Children's is proud to offer our first seizure clinic for our patients.

why choose the first seizure clinic at Dayton Children's?

The first seizure clinic at Dayton Children's is for any child who has had a new onset, unprovoked convulsive seizure. Our goal is to get your child in within 1-2 weeks to help get them care quickly and to try to answer all your questions about what happened and what to expect.

what will my child's first appointment look like?

Before your appointment with the neurologist, your child will have an EEG. After the EEG is done, you will have an appointment with the neurologist. The neurologist will ask questions about the seizure, your child's medical history and any important family medical history. they will let you know the EEG results and what the plan is from here for you child. Sometimes there might be more testing ordered, such as an MRI, 24/48 hour EEG, or planning on admission to our EMU unit. You will also see a social worker during your visit to make sure there are no concerns with costs of testing and medications. Neurology nurses will also come see you and your child to make sure you understand the diagnosis given to your child, what medications were ordered, and how to give any rescue medication that are ordered. They will also prepare a seizure action plan for the school or day care if needed.

how often will I have follow-up appointments?

If your child is diagnosed with epilepsy and started on medication, we will want to follow-up with your child every 1-3 months to make sure they are responding well to the medication.

contact us appointments

The neurology department welcomes phone calls to 937- 641-3080 during our normal business hours of 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.

A physician referral is necessary prior to the child’s first outpatient visit. All follow up appointments will be made during your clinic visit or by calling central scheduling 937-641-4000.