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Carolina Cuba Bustinza, MD

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96 ratings


Carolina Cuba Bustinza, MD is a physician in developmental pediatrics at Dayton Children's Hospital.

education and training

  • medical school: Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria, Arequipa, Peru
  • internship: Flushing Hospital Medical Center, Queens, New York
  • residency: Flushing Hospital Medical Center, Queens, New York
  • fellowship: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
  • board certification: general pediatrics

awards, honors or organizations

  • awards
    • Cincinnati Magazine Top Doctors List, 2021
  • organizations:
    • American Academy of Pediatrics
    • Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
    • American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders

get to know me

I chose my specialty because...

developmental and behavioral specialists have the opportunity to empower children with special needs and help them reach their full potential as members of an inclusive society.

I like working with kids because...

children are resilient and need us to intervene and advocate for them during the most challenging of times.

I chose to work at Dayton Children's because...

they are advocates for children to reach their highest potential.

Dayton Children's is special because...

they understand how crucial it is for children to be evaluated in a timely fashion so that they can receive the appropriate services

ratings and reviews

Question Rating Breakdown

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Provider Rating


















star star star star star

We absolutely love Dr Cuba!

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She took so much time listening to my concerns. She is very knowledgeable regarding autism and therapies.

star star star star star

Dr. Cuba and her office are amazing. They see both of my kiddos and have always been sweet kind and caring. Answer questions over my chart very quickly. We drive 2+ hours to this facility and let me tell you. It is WORTH IT! We love Dr. Cuba and the staff here. They are all once again so genuinely kind and caring that I wouldn't go anywhere else!

star star star star star

I have literally been nothing but pleased with Dayton Children's or Children's Health Providers for my daughter and my son. They are literally amazing. They do whatever they can for you. They answer all the questions. And if they can't right off answer the questions, they make sure they find somebody that does. Like I am super satisfied with Children's, like professionals. They're amazing.

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