11/8/21 blog post
skip the operating room for these urology procedures

Not all procedures for urological conditions require time in the operating room! There are several procedures the urology providers at Dayton Children's can do during a clinic visit: eliminating sedation and reducing time in the hospital. We sat down with division chief of urology, Dr. Rama Jayanthi to discuss the different procedures eligible to be done in the the clinic.
what procedures are eligible to be done in the clinic?
- Circumcision on babies up to 4-months old - the surgical removal of some or all the foreskin from the penis
- Lysis of penile adhesions - surgery to remove a skin connection to the head of the penis
- Meatotomy - surgical procedure to increase the size of the urethra on the tip of the penis up to 3 or 4 years of age
- Incision of penile skin bands
what makes these procedures eligible?
Many pediatric urologists around the country take patients to the operating room for the procedures listed above. At Dayton Children's our urologists believe in simplifying the process and eliminating the operating room whenever possible. These procedures are relatively quick, straightforward and do not require general anesthesia. All of which make the procedures very low risk and appropriate to be done in a clinic setting.
what are the benefits
Often times the procedure can be done in the office the same day as the child's evaluation. This provides families with convenience and minimizes extra time away from work and school. Completing these procedures in office also eliminates the need for general anesthesia and the concerns a parent may have about their child being sedated.
how much pain and discomfort will children experience?
Pain and discomfort are variable depending on what procedure is being done. Most of the time, our patients act as if nothing happened shortly after the procedure and they're able to walk out of the clinic.
If you think your child would benefit from a visit with one of our specialists, schedule an appointment online today.