8/26/21 news article
Avoid the emergency department for COVID tests- try one of these options first
Avoid the ED, these options are faster and easier
**Due to the evolving nature of the response to COVID-19, information contained in this post may no longer be accurate. Please click here for the most up-to-date information on testing.**
As kids, teachers and staff head back to school, spending more time indoors and closer together, it’s inevitable that there will be more people who need to get a COVID-19 test.
The emergency department at Dayton Children’s has seen a large increase in families bringing their child to get an order for a COVID-19 test. This is not the best or most cost-effective place for that care, so here are a few better alternatives for families to get their test orders.
- Call the primary care physician first. As the child’s medical home, it’s the best place to start. Testing orders can be sent straight to the Dayton Children’s lab, and the family can use Dayton Children’s drive-thru tent for many different infectious disease tests including COVID-19, flu, RSV and strep.
- Schedule a virtual visit with Dayton Children’s Kids Express. If the pediatrician’s office is booked, try a virtual visit online with Kids Express from the comfort of your couch. It keeps a potentially ill child at home, advises parents on other possible illnesses and directs them to the right testing location. All results and information are returned to the primary care provider listed. Schedule a video visit here from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.
- Pay out of pocket for a test. If a family just wants a quick test without an order, they can pay for it out-of-pocket at the Dayton Children’s drive-thru testing tent on Valley Street. The cost is $100.
If symptoms are severe or concerning, go to one of Dayton Children’s emergency departments. This is the right place for urgently needed care.

resources for schools and other organizations with potential outbreaks
If your school, church, club or other organization has a COVID-19 positive test or outbreak, you can print this download (seen right) to hand out to remind families where to go to get tested.
preventing against COVID-19
Don’t forget – the best tool we have to fight COVID-19 infection is the vaccine. For kids ages 12 and up, Dayton Children’s offers a vaccination clinic every weekday.
Other tools you can use to keep your children and family safe are:
- Washing or sanitizing hands frequently
- Wearing a mask when in crowded public spaces
- Keeping a physical distance of six feet between you and those around you