7/6/21 blog post
3 tips to combat boredom and boost creativity in kids

“I’m bored! There’s nothing to do!” As parents or caregivers, you’ve probably heard this phrase many times with your kids, especially when they have an extended period of downtime, like now with summer break.
During times of boredom, the brain is challenged to fix the problem. This makes children more likely to come up with their own solutions to their feeling of boredom. Many people would call this being creative!
Research has shown that boredom results from a brain that is craving stimulation and not getting it. Some people crave this more than others, and it is good for our minds to be active much of the time while we're awake.
Here are 3 tips to help your kids manage boredom and get their creative juices flowing when they feel stuck with nothing to do.
- Have a bag of tricks for things to do at home. Board games, sidewalk chalk, toys, movies, a backyard sprinkler, coloring/art supplies. These are all inexpensive things, or things many parents have on hand already, that children can use to entertain themselves.
- Enroll your child in an activity. Now that summer is here, sign your child up for an outdoor activity such as soccer, swimming lessons or day camp. Many of these things can give your children that much needed creative outlet. It may just be once or twice a week, but it will give them something to look forward to.
- Have them help with chores. If your child is old enough to help around the house with chores such as cleaning and laundry, this is a great opportunity to make a chore chart with them with weekly goals to check off. It teaches them organization, structure and gives parents some extra down time too!
Download our Summer Boredom Busters for fun and creative ways you and your family can keep the activities going all summer long. Share how you are helping your kids combat boredom this summer by using #OnOurSleeves on social media.
The mission of On Our Sleeves is to provide every community in America access to free, evidence-informed educational resources necessary for breaking stigmas about child mental health and educating families and advocates. For more information, visit OnOurSleeves.org.