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adult cystic fibrosis transition program

Cystic fibrosis is a lifelong condition. Since patients are diagnosed either at birth or at a young age, their pediatric pulmonary care team becomes a regular part of their life. As kids transition into adulthood we want to ensure that they also have a smooth transition for their care related to their CF diagnosis.

The adult cystic fibrosis program is similar to the pediatric program. Patients meet with a team in clinic, have many of the same tests and procedure, and are seen as recommended by the cystic fibrosis foundation or more frequently as needed. Adult clinics are held every Monday afternoon.

what does transition mean?

Our view of transition is that it is a change that happens over a long period of time, not overnight. It is not just a “transfer” of a patient’s medical records to an adult physician when they turn 22. There are several steps involved, and we will help patients get ready to take charge of their health care as one part of their transition to adulthood.

transition timeline

The policy of Dayton Children’s and Miami Valley Hospital is that the final transfer of care must occur by age of 22 years. Be assured that our pediatric and adult cystic fibrosis providers are in regular contact to coordinate these changes and support you and your family during this time.

contact us

For more information or to make an appointment please contact Jenny Ingle, DNP, RN


After hours, call 937-641-3000 to reach Dayton Children's Hospital operator and ask for Adult CF provider on call.