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mental health resource connection

The Mental Health Resource Connection program is a service that connects patients and families to available mental health services in the community. The service is administered by social workers experienced in evaluating pediatric mental health needs and the services required to meet those needs. The Mental Health Resource Connection strives to improve the mental health status of children in Dayton Children's service area.

how does it work?

  1. The program maintains a database of resources available in the community. You can also review this database on our online directory.
  2.  A child can be referred to the Mental Health Resource Connection by their primary care physician or by self-referral. The primary care provider will contact the program to confer about the patient in need of mental health services. A social worker will then follow-up with the patient/family by phone. If referring by self-referral please fill out this form
  3. The social worker will assess the issue, determine the most appropriate intervention and make recommendations on available community resources. Appropriate referrals will be made based on the liaison's assessment, as well as other factors including child's insurance, where they live, and who is accepting new referrals.
  4. The social worker will continue to work with the family to confirm that a connection was made.
  5. Confirmation will then be communicated back to the referring physician.

If you are interested in a referral to the Mental Health Resource Connection please talk to your child's primary care physician or by filling out this form. You also can use our online directory to search for mental health resources in your community.

contact us refer a patient

The Mental Health Resource Connection is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm at 937-641-4780. Or you can fill out our contact form to get started. 

contact us

Patients can be referred to the Mental Health Resource Connection by their referring physician or by self-referral. Physicians should use our referral form to refer a patient.

make a referral

Dayton Children’s expands, consolidates mental health services with opening of Mental Health Outpatient Care Center in Springboro

Dayton Children’s opens a Mental Health Outpatient Care Center in Springboro, uniting services to better support families.

learn more