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when can parents visit?

Parents are the most important member of their baby’s care team. Therefore they can visit anytime. We encourage parents to voice any concerns or questions and be as involved as possible their baby’s care. For the security of all babies, when you arrive at the Dayton Children’s NICU entrance, stop at the window and check in with a NICU staff member.

who else can visit and when can they visit?

Along with parents, grandparents are welcome anytime.

Siblings may come anytime if over the age of 1, immunized and showing no signs of illness. Siblings must be accompanied by a parent of the baby at the bedside. Their visitation may be restricted during cold and flu season.

Family and friends may come anytime, but must be accompanied by a parent of the baby at the bedside.

It is important to note that there may be visitor restrictions anytime there’s a community-wide contagious disease outbreak.

how can I get a status update on my baby?

Parents can call the NICU any time at 937-641-3040 for updates on their baby’s condition. When parents call, they will be asked for a code they were given at transport or admittance to the unit. Parents should identify themselves by this code whenever they call the NICU.

We also encourage moms and dads to be present during daily “rounds,” when our neonatologists, neonatal nurse practitioners and resident physicians gather at the bedside to talk about how the baby is doing and discuss possible changes to the care plan. Rounds usually take place in the morning.

Care conferences, a meeting with all of the specialists involved in the patient’s care, are also available at the parent’s request.

where can I relax and sleep?

Family lounges and waiting areas are available for the comfort of families and visitors. However, for safety reasons, overnight sleeping in lobbies, waiting rooms or open

public areas is not allowed. Overnight accommodations may be available just across the street at the Ronald McDonald House for families who qualify.

During the day, parents are welcome to visit the Ronald McDonald Family Room. Take the tower elevators to the first floor, then the yellow elevators to the fourth floor. The Family Room offers parents, guardians, grandparents and siblings a quiet place to have a break, take a nap in a nap pod, shower, or do laundry, all at no cost. The Family Room also has coffee, snacks, and lite meal options. The Family Room is open Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 8:00 pm, and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Their phone number is 937-641-5875. View a tour of the beautiful space and all its amenities!

how do you ensure my baby’s safety while in the NICU?

The NICU is a locked unit. You may enter and leave only if a staff member unlocks the door. If your baby needs to leave the NICU for a test or procedure, he or she will be accompanied by NICU staff.

Security cameras monitor both entrances to the NICU. Photos will be taken of parents and grandparents upon their first visit. Only parents should phone the NICU. When parents call, they will be asked for a code they were given at transport. Parents should identify themselves by this code.

can I bring food into the NICU?

For the safety of our babies, no food is allowed at the baby’s bedside and only bottled water is permitted. Families may utilize our family lounges to enjoy food but due to state regulatory requirements they may not bring large food from the outside (such as crockpots, casseroles etc…) to our waiting rooms.

Breastfeeding mothers are able to receive free meals daily. These meals can be ordered in the NICU and will be brought to the mother to enjoy in one of our family lounges.

contact us

Parents can call the NICU any time for updates on their baby’s condition. When parents call, they will be asked for a code they were given at transport or admittance to the unit. Parents should identify themselves by this code whenever they call the NICU. 937-641-3040.

Dayton Children’s expands, consolidates mental health services with opening of Mental Health Outpatient Care Center in Springboro

Dayton Children’s opens a Mental Health Outpatient Care Center in Springboro, uniting services to better support families.

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