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refractory headache clinic

Some children and teenagers may have headaches that continue despite trying medications. Dayton Children's Refractory Headache Clinic is for those who have chronic headaches that are not responding to medications or find that their headaches are significantly impacting school and their social life.

why choose the refractory headache clinic at Dayton Children's?

Our headache specialist, psychologist and dietitian work together to learn about your child's headache history and lifestyle, then work to develop a plan of care to help with the headaches and also to explore other treatment options. A wide variety of treatment alternatives are offered, which may include medication, non-medication behavioral techniques, complementary therapies, nerve blocks, Botox injections or a combination of therapies.

what will my first appointment look like?

You will see our headache specialist who will review your child's headaches, and get additional information about the headaches. They will then work with you to develop a plan of care that may include further tests as well as medication and non-medication options. The dietitian will meet with you to review your diet and identify possible dietary triggers. The psychologist will then meet with you and your child to review what stressors might be occurring in your child's life that might be triggering headaches or making them worse. They will work with you and your child on learning coping skills and relaxation techniques to work on improving stressors and headaches.

how often will I have follow-up appointments?

This will depend on the treatment options chosen and the response to treatment in terms of your child's participation in daily activities such as school, sports and social interaction.

contact us appointments

The neurology department welcomes phone calls to 937- 641-3080 during our normal business hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

A physician referral is necessary prior to the child’s first outpatient visit. All follow up appointments will be made during your clinic visit or by calling central scheduling 937-641-4000.