5/9/16 blog post
a mini elliptical for the whole family?
Has 2016 been an active one for you and your family? Winter has not been too challenging in keeping active; the Spring weather is “behaving” too. We have been enjoying the opportunity to be outside: walking our dog Ginger, yard work and now, baseball and lacrosse seasons. We try to be mindful of the recommended 60 minutes a day of being physically active.
A while back, I saw a colleague of mine at Dayton Children’s sitting at her desk and pedaling! She was being active while at work! I was intrigued ... something new and fun for my husband (who sits at a desk most of the day) and for the family?
We researched this smaller elliptical and used our Staples Rewards to make the purchase. My husband and I can sit on a bench or chair and pedal. I have had Edward assist me so I won’t fall while standing and pedaling. But, the unexpected perk is the kids have made good use of it!
Bottom line: Outdoor recess, gym class and sport activities do count towards the recommended 60 minutes a day of being active. Keep it fun and keep moving!
Other ideas: Dance your Way to being Active: 5 Ways to keep moving this winter