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what to expect: non-surgical procedures

Sometimes, children need to be calm and remain still for a diagnostic test or a non-surgical procedure. For many kids, this is difficult! Our anesthesiology team can help by providing a local anesthetic, sedation or general anesthesia. Your child’s anesthesiologist will talk about the options with you beforehand.

  • A local anesthetic can be given as a shot, spray or ointment. It often is used for minor outpatient procedures, such as getting stitches. This medicine can numb the area during the procedure and for a short time afterward, helping to minimize pain. The numbing medicine may wear off in about two to four hours.
  • Sedation can be administered orally (in liquid or pill form) or through an intravenous tube. It typically is used for procedures or tests that take an hour or less, and for children who do not have a complex medical history.
  • General anesthesiaprovides a deeper sleep than sedation. The anesthetic can be delivered using a breathing mask or intravenous tube. It produces a state of controlled unconsciousness.

what to expect before and after the procedure or test:

before the procedure or test

A member of the anesthesiology team will provide an evaluation and ask you some questions about your child’s medical history, allergies, past experiences with anesthesia, etc.

After giving the anesthesia, a member of our anesthesia team will monitor your child closely to ensure his or her well-being and see if more medication is needed.

after the procedure or test 

If your child is asleep for the procedure or test, he or she will continue to sleep in a recovery area until waking up naturally. This usually takes approximately one hour, but the times can vary depending on your child’s condition and the procedure performed. The drowsiness will wear off gradually over the next several hours.

contact us

For more information about the pediatric anesthesiology program at Dayton Children’s, please call 937-641-3350.

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Dayton Children’s opens a Mental Health Outpatient Care Center in Springboro, uniting services to better support families.

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