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community outreach and sponsorship requests

supporting the community through sponsorships and partnerships

Dayton Children’s is proud to support and partner with community organizations, non-profits, schools, community groups, research-focused organizations and others to improve the health and safety of families of our community now and into the future. The Dayton Children’s sponsorship program builds long-term partnerships by supporting a select number of events and activities that resonate with Dayton Children’s mission, vision and strategic priorities.

community outreach request

Dayton Children's is proud to support our community by providing child and family-friendly resources for your organization. We offer a variety of options, including informative handouts and giveaways, and interactive health and safety presentations from our pediatric health experts.

To ensure we can best support your event, requests must be submitted at least one month in advance. Participation is based on resource availability, scheduling, and staffing.

Explore our current offerings below:

Community events and outreach 

Sophie Ruigu, Community Engagement Coordinator -

Behavioral health outreach and resources

Melissa Smith, Behavioral Health Education liaison -

On Our Sleeves - children's mental health program

corporate sponsorship and event request

Dayton Children's is honored to support local organizations through events and corporate sponsorship opportunities that align with our mission of improving the health status of all children. Dayton Children’s prioritizes sponsorships based on community needs-specifically those impacting children’s health. Completing this request does not guarantee sponsorship.

Submit a corporate request

helmet requests

Helmet Requests are currently closed as we seek additional funding. You may still fill out the request form, however no orders will be placed at this time. Check back for any updates.

A leading cause of death for children is head trauma from crashes where a helmet was not worn. Dayton Children's and Safe Kids Greater Dayton make helmets available to children to protect their heads in a crash. In addition to helmets, participants will also receive education on staying safe while participating in wheeled sports including biking, skating and more.  

The This is How We Roll helmet safety program provides organizations who promote active transportation safety in our 20-county service area up to 25 free helmets to be distributed and fitted during bike and other wheeled sports events. 

submit request today

sports sponsorship request

Dayton Children's is proud to support local sports organizations through sponsorship opportunities. Requests must be submitted at least one month prior to any sponsorship marketing deadlines. Sponsorship values are dependent on resources and alignment of the requesting organization with our mission, vision and values. Completing this request form does not guarantee sponsorship fulfillment.

Submit a sports sponsorship request

contact us

For more information on education and sponsorship requests call 937- 641-3666 Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
