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dayton asthma alliance

helping kids breathe easier

The Dayton Asthma Alliance aims to positively impact the health and wellness of children with asthma in the Dayton area, focusing on the most at-risk populations. Using the Collective Impact framework, the Alliance engages local, state and national members, as well as other partner organizations, to collaboratively implement a variety of strategic actions to improve outcomes for children with asthma.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that asthma is the most common chronic condition affecting children younger than age 18. Children with asthma are often limited in their ability to live to their fullest potential, have increased absences from school, are more likely to be hospitalized or even die. Economically, the CDC has also estimated that asthma costs the United States $56 billion each year. Historically, Ohio’s asthma prevalence has exceeded national rates and recent data suggests that Dayton-area figures are even higher.

priority focus areas

Multifaceted factors determine whether or not a child with asthma achieves optimal health outcomes. These factors serve as the priority areas of focus for the Alliance.

  • Education. Knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and support systems are all important to the child with asthma. Therefore, it is important that the child, family, faith-based institutions, schools and other community organizations receive proper education about asthma prevention and management.
  • Health care. A child’s medical management of asthma is impacted by access, affordability, adherence to nationally-recognized diagnosis and treatment guidelines, and referral to necessary community services.
  • Environments with asthma triggers. Asthma symptoms are worsened by the presence of irritants and allergens found in the home, schools, other indoor areas and the ambient air.
  • Social needs. Children with asthma and their families have difficulty achieving optimal health when basic social needs such as food, utilities and transportation are not met.
  • Clinical-community linkages. Coordination of medical, public health, school and community-based activities can improve a child’s access to preventive and chronic care services.

strategic focus areas

To have the greatest impact and to ensure all children with asthma have the opportunity of optimal health outcomes, the Alliance has identified three strategic focus areas for our work.

  • Ensure asthma-friendly environments
  • Enhance access to high quality healthcare and supportive social services through clinical-community linkages
  • Educate and equip children, families and the community for asthma wellness

To support work in these areas, Dayton Children’s serves as the backbone organization convening stakeholders and supporting the Alliance with staff and some resources. Ultimately, the Alliance aims to reduce hospital admission rates and emergency department visits triggered by uncontrolled asthma. We also aim to reduce school absences related to asthma.

annual report

View the 2019 annual report to the community to see all the great things the Dayton Asthma Alliance has been doing in the community. 


For questions about the Dayton Asthma Alliance please contact:

Jessica Saunders
Office of Community Health and Engagement Programs

contact us

If you have additional questions about the Office of Community Health and Engagement Programs please contact the director, Jessica Salem, at
