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community programs

The Center for Community Health and Advocacy has numerous programs in the community available to help us meet our vision to make all children in our region happy and healthy! Learn more about these programs below!

dayton asthma alliance

The Dayton Asthma Alliance aims to positively impact the health and wellness of children with asthma in the Dayton area, focusing on the most at-risk populations. Using the Collective Impact framework, the Alliance engages local, state and national members, as well as other partner organizations, to collaboratively implement a variety of strategic actions to improve outcomes for children with asthma.

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family resource connection

The Family Resource Connection uses a patient’s visit to the doctor as an opportunity to address non-medical issues that may have an impact on a child’s health. This program screens patient families for social needs and then identified families are referred to an Advocate working in the Dayton Children’s Hospital Family Resource Connection for resource connection and follow-up.

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injury prevention

Injuries are the leading cause of death and disability to children in the United States. Dayton Children’s is dedicated to preventing childhood injury in our region. The Center for Child Health and Wellness recognizes the power of partnership to keep kids in our community safe and works within our community to reduce instances of injury.

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kinship support

Kinship relationships are important because they provide children with the support they need to stay healthy and grow in a nurturing environment. A community health worker (CHW), assists caregiving families in developing stable and consistent relationships so that children in kinship care can thrive.

The CHW serves as a trusted support to the patients and families in the Dayton region by providing support, facilitating access to services, and navigating systems. They also build individual and community resiliency by increasing health knowledge, improving the quality and cultural competence of service delivery, and promoting self-sufficiency through a range of activities such as outreach, community education, social support, and advocacy.

school programs

Reaching beyond the walls of the hospital to improve health naturally includes partnering with schools. Dayton Children’s partners with local schools in a variety of ways to improve both health and educational outcomes.

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Montgomery County Imagination Library

Pre-literacy and literacy skills are essential to kindergarten readiness and educational success. In December 2019, Dayton Children’s announced the launch of the Montgomery County Imagination Library through a partnership with the Ohio Governor’s Imagination Library and the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. This innovative approach promotes early literacy skills for children ages 0 to 5 by providing a free book mailed each month to all children signed up for the program.

We know 90 percent of a child’s brain development occurs in the first five years of life, and that’s why programs such as the Imagination Library are so critical to positive outcomes for children. Dayton Children’s invests in early childhood development because it improves our economic competitiveness by setting people up to be successful in college and their careers.

Through support from the Ohio Governor’s Imagination Library and generous sponsors, the program is available for children in Montgomery County and throughout Ohio.

Funds for the Montgomery County Imagination Library are administered through a component fund of The Dayton Foundation. Individuals and organizations can donate here.

To enroll a child, four years old or younger, visit

Read more about our efforts and successes over the past year in the Imagination Library Annual Report

Read more about the Montgomery County Imagination Library here:


calendar of events education and sponsorship requests

Throughout the year Dayton Children’s participates in a variety of community events. Check out our event calendar to find one coming up near you! 

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Dayton Children’s is proud to support and partner with community organizations to improve the health and safety of families of our community. Learn more about how you can partner with Dayton Children’s for education or sponsorship opportunities.

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