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5/1/24 blog post

this is how we roll - scooters, skates and skateboards

let's roll safe, every time!

how we roll header campaign

Whether in the driveway, at the skate park or the roller rink, scooters, skates, and skateboards take some time and practice to ride safely.

Use these tips to keep all riders safe: 

  • Every skater should wear a helmet. Wrist guards, knee pads and elbow pads are a good idea for everyone, especially beginners.
bike safety graphics


  • According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), children under 5 should never ride a skateboard. This might seem overly protective, but a child’s balance and judgment have not fully developed yet, which means an elevated risk for severe injury.
  • Buy skates that truly fit to make learning easier and safer for your child.
  • Limit scooting and skating to bike paths or areas set aside in public parks. Children should ride on smooth, dry surfaces located in a well-lit area away from traffic.
  • Teach children to minimize the impact of a fall by crouching down as they lose balance to reduce the distance to the surface.
  • Teach kids to check scooters, skates, and boards for problems before each use. If there are any cracked, loose or broken parts, the item should not be used until it is repaired.
  • Different scooters, skates and boards do different things, so make sure kids have the right gear for their activity you're ready to roll!

download the scooter and skateboard flyer 

Click below to download and print these safety tips to keep kids safe today! This is how we roll!

scooter and skateboard safety flyer

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