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Christine Scholle, MPAS, PA-C

Christine Scholle
pronouns: She\Her\Hers


Christine Scholle, MPAS, PA-C is a physician assistant in the emergency department at Dayton Children's Hospital. Christine graduated from Mount Saint Joseph Physician Assistant Program. Prior to being a physician assistant, she was an EMT in the emergency department. 

education and training

education: Mount Saint Joseph Physician Assistant Program

get to know me

I chose my specialty because...

emergency medicine challenges my skill set by providing varying cases each and every day.

I like working with kids because...

treating children is a unique experience that is challenging but very rewarding.

I chose to work at Dayton Children's because...

they provide safe and compassionate care and provide me the opportunity to collaborate with my team.

Dayton Children's is special because...

of their passion for going above and beyond to provide care for children and their families.

ratings and reviews
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Kelly Stiffler, PA-C

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DCH_Dr. Molly Osterhage_MD_Emer Med_8.3.22-3494

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