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dietetics educational opportunities


pediatric dietetic internships

Dayton Children's partners with Andrews University, University of Dayton/Premier Health dietetic internship and Miami University/Kettering Health ACEND accredited dietetic internship programs to prepare competent pediatric focused entry level dietitians.

Andrews University

  • Annually, two dietetic interns matched to Andrews University are selected to complete a pediatric focused internship from August to April. Interns in this program will complete clinical, food service and community rotations on-site through various areas of practice at Dayton Children's. Supplementary off-site rotations include WIC, adult inpatient, school food service, dialysis clinic and long-term care to ensure interns meet al ACEND required competencies. Interested interns should apply through DICAS and be matched with D&D Digital to Andrews University dietetic internship. Learn more about Andrews University dietetic internship program by clicking here.

University of Dayton/Premier Health and Miami University/Kettering Health

  • Interns completing internships through these programs are eligible to complete a one to four week clinical/elective rotation at Dayton Children's to gain pediatric experience. Students interested in completing rotations at Dayton Children's should indicate their interest in pediatrics to their dietetic internship program director. 

supervised practice hours

Individuals seeking supervised practice hours to become an international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) may request support from Dayton Children's lactation specialists. For more info information on this program please contact Alison Ruffin, director of clinical nutrition and lactation at or 937-641-4127.

volunteer opportunities

Clinical nutrition and lactation at Dayton Children's offers volunteers experiences to undergraduate dietetics students and related fields in a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings, as well as in our community teaching kitchen and food equity programs. All volunteers will be onboarded through our volunteer services program and must commit to a minimum of 4 hours per week for a semester. For more info information on this program please contact Alison Ruffin, director of clinical nutrition and lactation at or 937-641-4127.

grand rounds - Ohio Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics: Educating Our Pediatricians and Advocating for Ohio’s Children