personalized patient care

With the right people in place, we can deliver data driven, culturally appropriate patient care to ensure more equitable patient outcomes.
Personalizing an experience that considers the diverse experience and unique situations of each family is necessary to achieve health equity.
We work hard to identify and eliminate barriers to optimal health by locating clinics and health centers in easily accessible geographic regions, expanding our hours and access to services, including telehealth, and by offering interpreter services. We care for the whole child by screening for social needs and connecting families to community resources as necessary. We look at our clinical data to identify inequities among our patients and work to address them.
featured programs/initiatives
- Community Health Workers - Dayton Children’s employs community health workers who serve patient families in our primary care and specialty pediatrics clinics. Community health workers engage directly with families and serve as a link between the hospital, social services, and the community. Our community health workers work with families to improve health knowledge and self-sufficiency through a range of activities including health education, outreach, social support, and advocacy while meeting patient families often in their home or community environments.
- Care Coordinators - Care Coordinators focus on building relationships, removing barriers, and solving problems for patients with complex care needs. Care Coordinators work with all who are involved a patient’s care, including schools, insurance companies, community groups and the health care team, to remove barriers and help make sure a patient meets their care goals.
- Social Needs Screening and Resource Connection - Research shows that when basic social needs are not met, families can’t focus on health issues. To address these issues, Dayton Children’s screens for unmet social needs – like food, housing, and transportation – and connects families with community resources through various team members including community health workers, care coordinators, social workers and our Family Resource Connection program.
- Clinical Informatics - To eliminate health disparities, capturing how patients self-identify and experience health outcomes differently is essential. In the pursuit of health equity, our clinical informatics team is committed to building a data infrastructure to identify health disparities and provide actionable information to help clinicians and hospital staff address health inequities within our patient population.