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3/1/23 news article

new specialty care center built from families’ wish lists

fulfilling a commitment to the region to reinvent the path to health for today’s families and generations of children to come

Dayton Children's specialty care center

Dayton Children’s unveils a new five-story specialty care center where the entire experience is built around the conveniences and care the families of our region want.

This 150,000-square-foot building houses more than 30 pediatric specialties such as orthopedics, pulmonology, endocrinology and diabetes, neurology and gastroenterology with the latest in technology and a bright welcoming atmosphere.

“We’ve talked in depth to our families about what would make it easier on them to take care of their child,” says Cindy Burger, vice president and chief experience officer for Dayton Children’s. “We combined that with what our physicians, nurses and care teams need to provide the outstanding level of care our families expect from us. These new spaces allow for that exceptional care and experience.”

easy and efficient
Life is hard enough. This space uses thoughtful design to make visits to Dayton Children’s as easy and engaging as possible.

  • Surface parking. Top of the wish list for families was surface parking to allow them to get in and out as easily as possible. There are 150 spaces in the new parking lot for their convenience, in addition to the existing parking garage.
  • Efficient registration. Once inside, registration is thorough yet efficient. Families can register for all their appointments that day at once with assistance at the registration desk or on their own at a kiosk.
  • Co-located diagnostic testing. Any tests that a child may need are mostly located right in the clinic, just a few steps away from the exam room.
  • Multi-appointment flexibility. The exam rooms have built-in flexibility that allow for multiple specialists to come to the child, reducing the family’s need to go from room to room.
  • Easy pivot to virtual visits. If life throws a curve ball and a family can’t make it to an appointment, every exam room is designed to easily pivot to a virtual visit, if medically appropriate. This way a child doesn’t miss an important visit.

advanced technology
The new space also allows for expanded technology to advance treatment and healing.

water therapy

  • Water therapy tank. The orthopedics division adds a Hydroworx water therapy tank. Kids can safely perform exercises they couldn’t do without the water’s support, helping them heal quicker and with less pain.
  • Bio-simulation lab. This new advanced feature will help clinicians train on the latest treatments and procedures to provide the most advanced care to children of the region.

above and beyond touches
At the same time, families love the above and beyond touches that Dayton Children’s adds to every visit to surprise and delight children.

  • Touches of whimsy. Throughout the bright, beautiful space there is whimsical artwork and visual delights.
  • Distraction devices. These include a Rube Goldberg-type ball machine in the lobby, a sensory wall, touch-and-play games in the waiting rooms and an outdoor garden with a unique sculpture play area.
  • Sensory features. Inside some of the exam rooms, there are features such as marble walls and touch-sensitive lights for children with sensory needs. For those in need of a quieter experience, there are nooks in the waiting rooms to provide a calm-down space and distraction-free exam rooms.
Dayton Children's Hospital

committed to our community
"We made a commitment to our community to continue to renew our facilities for future generations of children needing our care,” says Deborah Feldman, president and CEO for Dayton Children’s. “Care changes quickly and we are just the right size to be nimble in our response to that change, providing all the services a family needs in the way they want and need them.”

what families are saying
“It’s above and beyond what I thought it would ever be,” says Gail Wilkins, member of Dayton Children’s Patient and Parent Partner Program and mom of Gabrielle.

“I feel heard,” says Tina Acres, member of Dayton Children’s Patient and Parent Partner Program and mother of two. “They really listened to us, even on the small things that are really important to us, such as changing tables in the men’s restrooms, lift-assisted changing tables, and wider doorways and bigger elevators for wheelchairs and strollers."

"The details were so well planned out and they addressed everything. It’s phenomenal! It is truly impressive and an important asset to our community.” - Tina Acres

Parents also praise the child-friendly and whimsical design that is unique to Dayton Children’s. “It feels like home,” says Trisha Renner, member of Dayton Children’s Patient and Parent Partner Program and mother of four. “It feels like Dayton Children’s.”

a note of thanks
Dayton Children’s would like to thank Distinctive Art Source, Carpenter Design, Cannon Design/FKP, Champlin Architecture and Danis Construction. These firms are exceptional partners in the architectural design and construction management of the new specialty care center as well as the hospital’s patient care tower which opened in June 2017.

contact us

If you are interested in pursuing a story about Dayton Children's please contact:

Katie Solovey
public relations manager


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