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neurosciences research

research to help unlock the mysteries of the brain and spine

Investigators at Dayton Children’s participate in exciting neuroscience research through an innovative partnership with Wright State University and Premier Health Neuroscience Institute. One goal of this partnership is to find new treatments for neurological diseases that affect children, such epilepsy, brain tumors and hydrocephalus. Established in 2015, this partnership brings together scientists, physicians and Wright State’s systems research engineers, creating a unique synergy between biomedical research and engineering. It is housed at the new Neuroscience Engineering Collaboration Center on Wright State University’s campus.

Representing Dayton Children’s in this partnership is Rob Lober, MD, PhD, who divides his time between caring for patients at the hospital and conducting pediatric research at Wright State. His research focuses on improving diagnosis and treatment with advanced imaging protocols. Dr. Lober and research colleagues around the world share their findings and collaborate on various research projects to foster scientific discovery. For example, they work with researchers at Stanford University to study blood flow in the brain and spine of patients with neuropsychiatric disorders.

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At Dayton Children's, every milestone matters! Meet Dr. Neumeier, first graduate of our hospital medicine fellowship!

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