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developmental diagnostic/follow-up clinic

specialty care for children with developmental delays

Dayton Children’s provides comprehensive evaluations, treatment planning and referrals for children with developmental concerns.

your child’s first appointment 

Your child’s first appointment in the Developmental Diagnostic/Follow-Up Clinic will last about 90 minutes. It will include a physical examination, testing and a detailed conversation with the doctor about your child’s medical history and development.

At the end of this appointment, you will receive written notes about your visit and our initial recommendations and diagnosis. Your treatment plan may include:

  • Recommendations for educational and developmental planning
  • Recommendations for behavioral management
  • Medication recommendations
  • Referral to genetics
  • Referral to other specialists or therapists
  • Recommendations for medical equipment

Our team will coordinate your child’s care and make adjustments to the treatment plan as needed.

follow-up care

We will want to see your child regularly to see how he or she is responding to the treatment plan and to recommend additional therapy or testing if needed. We will schedule follow-up appointments at the end of each visit. These appointments usually take 30-45 minutes.

contact us refer a patient

For more information about the developmental pediatrics program at Dayton Children’s, please call 937-641-4073. Appointments are available with a physician referral.

Does your patient need to see a developmental pediatrician? Begin the referral process today.   

make a referral

Dayton Children’s expands, consolidates mental health services with opening of Mental Health Outpatient Care Center in Springboro

Dayton Children’s opens a Mental Health Outpatient Care Center in Springboro, uniting services to better support families.

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