4/22/21 blog post
get your brain in shape with our mental fitness challenge

We’ve all tried to exercise, eat better…you name it. This year, we’re also encouraging you to practice mental wellness.
We know mental health is just as important as physical health. Here are some ways you can keep your brain in shape as a family!
• Get enough sleep. This means everyone in the house, not just the kids. Sleep affects our physical health and our mental health. It affects our ability to function and lack of sleep can make us feel stressed and anxious. Sleep helps improve our mood. And we are so much more productive when our body and mind are rested.
• Find something you are thankful for every day. Take time to recognize one thing you and your family are grateful for every day, even if it’s something small. You can do this in the morning over breakfast; over the dinner table; or even by writing a note/email/text to someone you are grateful for. Showing gratitude improves our overall mood, and it’s an awesome thing to teach our kids, too!
• Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is focusing on one thing in the moment and pressing pause on all your other thoughts and things you need to do. For example, go for a short walk around the neighborhood, but while you’re walking, really pay attention. Look at the colors of the leaves, the blue sky, listen to the sounds around you, and take a big breath in to smell the air. Just allow yourself to be present in the moment and take a mental break. This is another great tool to teach our children.
Are you interested in other ideas to stay mentally fit? We have 22 fun and creative suggestions for you and your family to try. Learn more about the Mental Fitness Challenge and be sure to share how you are staying mentally fit by using #OnOurSleeves on social media.
The mission of On Our Sleeves® is to provide every community in America access to free, evidencedbased educational resources necessary for breaking stigmas about child mental health, and educating
families and advocates. For more information, visit OnOurSleeves.org.